Part 29 (1/2)
”So we have this docuue neither William nor I can read, but the Duke of Olasko's name is on it”
”Let me see it,” said the forues when Isailed along the Keshi+an coast”
James smiled Trenchard the pirate had raided Keshi+an ports as often as Kingdom ports in his youth Amos read the document twice ”The problem is that not only is this one of the more obscure dialects, the scribe was only seet out of this, it's a death order So Someone has ordered the assassins to kill the Duke of Olasko”
Arutha said, ”But we think that's a false trail”
”Really?” asked Amos ”Tell me more”
'The Crown Prince of Olasko is also in the party and froe of the attack on the duke, it appears it was really him they were after”
Aain and said, ”There are some other names here, Vladic and Kazamir, and Paulina”
”Members of the Royal House of Olasko and Roldem,” said Arutha
”Someone wants them dead, too”
Amos studied the docuet another opinion on the translation, Arutha Have an expert look at it, because I ” After a moment of reflection, he said, ”But, either way it looks like sodom and Olasko”
”Who?” asked William
Amos looked at William and his eyebroent up ”Find out hy, and that will tell you who”
Jae sterncastle s, he saw the littleas he considered what Amos had just said Softly he wondered aloud, ”Why?”
The weather was nearly perfect when they sailed into sight of Krondor Amos had broken out both his personal banner as Ad's Fleet in the West and the Prince's royal pennant, and shi+ps cleared the harbor as he headed for the royal docks
The always-efficient Master of Cere with the Princess and the children Arutha endured the barest minimum of ceremony and spared a moment to kiss his wife and each child Then he excused himself, James and Amos to a h to recognize that the ent, and she took the children back to the royal apartave orders for his best translators of Keshi+an desert languages to attend hi
Williaood-bye and hurried to the bachelor officers' quarters, where he endured a dozen questions from the other junior officers as he hurried to bathe and don a fresh uniform
Gordon O'Donald ca a quick polish of his boots and said, ”Williaoes it?”
Williaetting Treggar out of here for the last feeeks I can't say it's been heaven, but it's the closest thing to it I've experienced in a while”
Williae the captain harshly, Gordon Takenext to you”
Gordon rubbed his chin ”Well, if you say so Certainly the reat deal calmer”
William chuckled, then said, ”How do I look?”
”Like a freshly-washed lieutenant”
”Good I have to head back to the Prince's council roo to visit your little friend over at The Rainbow Parrot”
William had just started down the stairway, and he almost tripped, he turned around so quickly ”Talia?”
O'Donald said, ”I checked up on her a few times while you were away”
As William's expression darkened, Gordon quickly said, ”As a friend, of course”
With a gri in a theatrical sigh, O'Donald said, ”Which is a good thing That girl would have none of ot yourself a sweetheart, Will”
Williaave hi I'et some free time later to visit Talia”
William was so distracted by Gordon's co hi, Gordon said, ”Go on You can't keep the Prince waiting”
Willia yard to the palace By the ti at the Prince's council chalanced around and James waved him to come sit beside him near the Prince Between the Prince and Jaht-Marshal of Krondor, empty since Gardan's retirement Amos had joined the council, which also included Captain Guruth, Sheriff Means, and Captain Issacs who commanded the Royal Household Guard
Arutha said, ”I have a half-dozen of our scribes who are fluent in thethose scrolls Father Belson of the Te the chest and will be here shortly with his initial impressions” He looked at the two captains and the sheriff, and said, ”For those of you ere not with us, let me sum up our situation”
Even after ten years in the Prince's service, James marveled at how Arutha's mind worked He knew exactly how to impart the necessary inforh detail to drive hoht of the various topics
As Arutha was finishi+ng his background for the two captains and the sheriff, Father Belson entered the rooan the priest of Prandur, ”I have used every art available tomystic about that seal It appears to be a sined to show if the chest has been opened or not”
Arutha waved him to an eroup, he said, ”I want the guard doubled on the duke and his family until they depart”
Captain Issacs looked unco frouards we have protecting him now He'smade the acquaintance of a nuht between irritation and amusement ”Well, the best advice I can offer, captain, is to remind the duke that his ould certainly want him protected Perhaps within earshot of thoseladies, you le to keep a straight face Ahed out loud and slapped the table He started to say so, but Arutha cut him off ”Don't you dare tell hter redoubled
To Captain Guruth and Sheriff Means, Arutha said, ”We tore out the heart of the Nighthawks in the area, but we didn't destroy thes are like cockroaches Turn on the light and they're scurrying for the shadows You don't see therinning, while Arutha showed his displeasure at the interruption ”As I was saying, we didn't destroy them all If soents here, they e their obligations”
The door opened, and a soldier adhness, I've read the text you sur the most iray trousers, and plain black boots His most noticeable feature was a tendency to squint
”What can you tell me?” asked Arutha
”Adht have been seht look to the untrained eye, but rather than such being the case, it's actually a clever code”