Part 18 (1/2)

She patted his arht you were sent off to an abbey of a”

”More fe like that”

She said, ”Woeance And Father decided if I was to be raised outside the city, it would be by someone who could teach me to defend myself” She reached out and touched his sword hilt with her right index finger ”That's a bit big for my tastes, but I could probably do some serious harm with it”

”No doubt,” he said The orders of Kahooli were pri justice upon then, they acted as aides to local constables and sheriffs, locatingout their whereabouts At their nored local laws and the King's Justice, and hunted down and executed wrongdoers And at their worst, they refused to consider any claims of innocence by their prey An often-stated joke about those who served Kahooli had it that their credo was ”Kill theuilty” Often they created more problems than they solved

Talia s”

William blushed ”What?”

”Do I run now, or wait until her back is turned?”

He laughed ”Nothing like that Just”

”Don't doto fear”

Her sh ”I won't You havehim in the arm ”Then I won't have to hunt you down and hurt you”

”You're joking, right?”

Now she laughed ”I was educated educated by the Order of Kahooli, William I never took any vows in his service” by the Order of Kahooli, William I never took any vows in his service”

Williahed ”You had me there for a moment”

She slipped her ar the other produce on display ”I think I have you for more than a moment,” she said under her breath

Williaht now, he didn't knohat to think He enjoyed the warot when he looked at her He admired her dark hair, fair skin, erect posture and youthful energy that see she touched All he wanted to do was to keep her at his side fro unpleasant ever again

”Lieutenant!” caine

He turned and saw Captain Treggar approaching with two guards to attention

With a tone approaching a growl, Treggar said, ”I have been sent sent to fetch you, lieutenant, and Squire Jaaze was hostile and his hness,” and Williae in check because of that adar said, ”I realize you're to fetch you, lieutenant, and Squire Jaaze was hostile and his hness,” and Williae in check because of that adar said, ”I realize you're busy busy, and haven't had time to stand your watch in the officers' rotation at the palace, but His Highness felt it ih to have you join him that he sent me personally to find you and the squire”

William said, ”AhI believe Squire James is back at The Rainbow Parrot”

”No, he's here,” came another voice

Willia toward them James said, ”What is it, captain?”

”Orders, squire You and the lieutenant are to return with lanced at James, who said, ”Very well” He looked at Talia and said, ”Pardon us, but we ”

To Williaether, Williaain, soon”

Williaar, he added, ”As soon as duty permits”

Talia turned away and continued her perusal of theover her shoulder to direct one last sar said, ”Squire, if you're ready?”

James nodded and led the way back to the palace

Williaar, followed in turn by the two soldiers There was a growing tension between himself and the captain and he would soon have to deal with it, otherwise he wouldas he was in the arar and the two soldiers who had been sent to find James and William stood off to one side Four Krondorian Pathfinders-a separate elite command, with trackers and trailbreakers responsible to their own captain-watched as the Prince said, ”Here” He pointed to a spot on thea location south of Shandon Bay ”If our infor”

James stood next to the Prince, and his eyes followed the line fro on the map that read, ”Valley of Lost Men” in tiny letters under an older inscription in a Keshi+an alphabet he couldn't read ”That still looks like a fair aesture, Arutha indicated the four Pathfinders ”They leave within the hour”

”We have cohness,” said one of them

Arutha nodded ”These er stabbed at a point soeneral search area ”-here One of you should hness,” said the leader of the Pathfinders as he saluted With a gesture he indicated to his companions they should leave

After the four scouts had departed, Arutha said, ”Captain, draw up a battle plan Tell everyone ill listen that we conduct maneuvers to the southwest and northeast Then I want you to select two hundred of our bestany man who has not been in service for at least five years” Ja as soldiers at the garrison at Northwarden ”Make the selection seem random, but at the end of the first day I will lead those two hundred men south Captain Leland will take the rest to the northeast, so co of ar nodded ”Sire If I may ask?”

Arutha nodded