Part 16 (2/2)

Ja around here for my taste of late” He filled the out those details of recent events that he felt dom security

When James finished, Graves said, ”Those Izh-looking Keshi+ans down in the sewers, while ere trying for the docks, before we caot ourselves tossed into jail Needless to say, I didn't confront the there”

Li the street boys were Keshi+ans”

Ja with his forfor a moment Eyes wide, he sed, and said, ”The only reason I can think of has soade of that order, but there are secrets I will not reveal This has nothing to do with my duty to the temple, but it does with my duty to the Gods”

Ja to do with the occupation of a house across fro, but there was a slight flicker in his eyes

”Never h of priests and oaths to last several lifetiht you can provide about this icians would be deeply appreciated”

”By you?”

Jaet us out of that cell and on our way to Great Kesh?”

”This very night if the Prince likes what he hears”

”Then take me to the Prince,” said Graves

James nodded To Kat and Limm he said, ”Wait here” Then he opened the door and told the soldier outside to continue standing guard He led Graves back to where Arutha and Willia the four slain , ”He may have some pieces of this puzzle”

Arutha said, ”And they would be?”

”Safe passage?” asked Graves of Jae?” Arutha raised an eyebrow

James said, ”A minor matter of civil disorder which was scheduled to be resolved to, you mean,” said Arutha ”The sun is but three hours away” To Graves, Arutha said, ”If you provide intelligence of suitable worth, I think we can overlook the matter of a minor brawl”

James said, ”More like a small riot, but that's neither here nor there”

Graves said, ”Then know you, Highness, that I was the man once named Abbot of the Temple of Ishap at Make's Cross I betrayed ned to the punishment of the Gods”

Arutha said, ”The required value of your inforreat deal, Abbot Graves I know that nahts I should bind you over to the temple for its justice”

Graves said, ”Here is what I encies which hness They move in shadows and employ those who may not even realize they are in the service of these powers

”A reat import will occur soon I think you knohat it is and why I may not speak more of it”

The Prince nodded ”Go on”

”There are those ould benefit if things went aith that encies that they succeed, only that the te me to warn the te I have said to you is unknown to anyone of rank in the Te the prelates of the other orders I' to illustrate a point: your ene in a randooal, other than to create difficulties for you”

Arutha said, ”So far I've heard nothing new”

”Then this is the part you don't know There is an organization overseen by ato displace the Mockers in Krondor, as well as take over crioals seem simple: wealth and power But to achieve these ends, he has allied hie the Prince's reaction

”Continue,” said Arutha

”It's an uneasy alliance, for the Nighthawks appear to have their own agendas, including working for those dark agencies I spoke of before The Crawler's hthawks have been killingof the assault upon the Duke of Olasko?”

”One hears rueon It is the result of a plot by one or the other, the Crawler or the Nighthawks If it's the Crawler, it is because the duke is seen as an ihthawks, it is because the duke's death serves those dark forces I speak of”

”Do hthawks?” asked James

”Not that I've heard of, but then they do not work for the Crawler, either Thieves have little trust of those who practice ic arts, as you knoell, Jimmy the Hand,” answered Graves

Arutha smiled at the mention of that name ”James also kno to ask questions to ferret out the truth

”So if ere to tell you that those who atteet wasn't truly the duke, but the Crown Prince, what say you then?”

Graves said, 'Then a third agencyadditional agents to insure their ends, regardless of what the Nighthawks and the Crawler achieve”

Arutha sighed in frustration ”damn ht”

”Highness,” said Graves, ”I think I can give you at least one”

”What?” asked Arutha

Graves walked over to the nearest corpse ”A man in death doesn't always resemble the man he was in life, but I know this one His name, or at least how I knew him, was Jendi He was a raider froht Man has done business in the past He is a murderer, a slaver, and a robber” He looked at the Prince ”How did he coe a conversation with ainst my wishes”

Graves s you have ever known and hi until he decided to kill you”

Arutha said, ”So you know thisfor?”

”It is ru, he worked frohthawks”