Part 9 (1/2)

”Apparently,” replied Arutha ”But it's more like a small army of mercenaries if the numbers we've encountered so far are any indication” Arutha sat again ”I want you to take Jonathan here under your wing and start setting up an infor network I will not tell you how to do it, but I will caution you to pick only people who are s for you and loyal enough not to sell you out for a pouch of gold I will underwrite the costs and you only have to report direct to me”

To Jonathan, Arutha said, ”Tell your father you'll be working for me from time to time, but not the specifics, and tell him that if you leave your post or do not show up for your assigned watch, it's atHe ventured a slight shness”

Looking at James, Arutha said, ”You have your coet soht's sleep?”

”Yes, but in theI want you about your business”

As he uests fro the duke and his brood on a hunting trip up to the mountains We'll be shed of theood-bye to thehness”

As he reached the door, Arutha said, ”Before I forget, be here early to the cadet officers and it will be a forrin frozen in place, but inwardly he groaned By the ti, that would leave less than five hours before he had to be up again

Jonathan bowed to the Prince and followed the squire froe to close the door, he said to Jonathan, ”Coether That e can talk and I can steal an extra half-hour's sleep”

With a s constable fell in beside James, and they hurried toward the kitchen

SIX - Confusion

Trumpets sounded in the courtyard

Arutha led his court officials to the balcony overlooking the e, Swordmaster McWirth saluted and turned to order the cadets to attention

Arutha paused, then said, ”Today you youngawarded your offices and spurs You will be privileged to add the title 'knight' to whatever rank you gain It is an ancient title, its origins lost in the inal band of knights were codoed to defend the croith their lives

”So it is with you, today Unlike soldiers sworn to the service of their liege lord, your oath is to the crown You are obliged to show deference to any noble of this land, and if possible to aid hi in the east, and toas he had known Arutha, he had never known the Prince to claihtly due the office he held Other men would have said, ”To me in the west,” but not Arutha

The Prince continued ”Today, so the frontier, or to join households of nobles who are in need of young officers to serve until their own sons are of an age to command A few of you may rise to the rank of swordmaster in those households, or return to Krondor when those sons are grown Others of you will be assigned to the castles of the border lords, and some of you will remain in Krondor But where you serve is of secondary importance

”What you have chosen to do is serve the nation, and her people, no ain rank and privileges over your life, but that rank and those privileges are not rewards They are, rather, the dom” Arutha paused, then said, ”In the ith the Tsurani, what has become known as the Rifte faced a foe e are now at peace But the struggle was terrible and long, for those that faced us on the battlefield were men with honor, dedicated to service We met them with the same dedication, and that was the salvation of our nation”

Arutha paused, then said, ”I a officers”

He nodded to McWirth who said, ”At the sound of your name, come forward and accept your spurs” He then called the first naes stood close by to quickly affix the spurs to the boots of each cadet Eleven young officers were quickly sworn to service and given their ranks Williaht-Marshal Gardan, in his last official act before resigning his office He started issuing orders Four of the cadets were heading north, to the border barons

Five were being dispatched to various garrisons and households in the west Tere to reht a slight frown from William when this was announced, and wondered at the displeasure Krondor was the best duty station in the Western Realht be different in the Eastern Realhbors close to the nation's capital could bring one favor from the crown, but in the west all advancement and political favors started and ended in Krondor

Arutha turned to James and said, ”You have business in the city, I believe?”

James nodded ”Ample business When shall I return?”

As he headed back inside to his offices, Arutha said, ”When you have soer senior squire”


Arutha turned froht smile He left the balcony and entered the palace as James followed ”No reflection on you, squire, but I've had you running around the countryside so much of late, Master de Lacy and Jerome both complain bitterly they have to make up for those tasks you're not present to undertake So, while you're to remain my personal squire, we'll elevate so your days overseeing a squad of boys arrison”

Ja is the better choice of words”

Arutha laughed, one of his rare displays of h, before you dash off The Duke of Olasko's party leaves at first light tomorrow for their hunt For reasons I don't understand, they've requested that Lieutenant Williauard”

James's brow furrowed ”Paulina?”

Arutha reached his desk and sat He waved across the room to de Lacy that he should open the door and ad upon the Prince to conduct the day's business ”The Princess, yes She is to accompany her father and the Princes on the hunt Why?”

”She's looking for a rich or powerful husband”

”The son of a duke, in other words”

Jah I don't think anyone has told her that the Duke Pug is a bit of anodd duke by most people's standards”

”But well-connected,” added Arutha

Jarinned ”Well, there is that Still, I think I'd better spend a little ti William for his duties”

Arutha looked froroup of supplicants was escorted in by Master de Lacy ”I don't want to know,” the Prince said to Jao do it”

”Yes, sire,” said Ja yard, intent on catching McWirth and Willianed a patrol down to the Vale of Drearass and woodlands between Krondor and Land's End Then he would go hunt up young Jonathan Means and start building his network of agents

Jaear from the small footlocker that had been the repository of his entire wardrobe and other personal belongings for the last sixthe departure of the newly naed He looked upon the young ht James Then he realized that in a feeeks another codo soldiers would coain the old soldier would be a tyrant who could never be pleased

William looked up and before James could speak, he said, ”Krondor! Why?”