Part 20 (1/2)

As he talked, the droning came closer. A sudden fear made Joe's nerves tingle. Was his father a prisoner in the plane? Had Morgan's pilot somehow intercepted the detective and taken him prisoner?

Joe flung himself upon his pony. He would ride back to see if the plane was going to land. But Pye and Pete dissuaded the eager boy.

”Get sheriff,” the Indian insisted. ”Posse take care bad men.”

A moment's sober thought convinced Joe that Pye was right. Pete hopped on behind the boy, and the three moved over the hot stretch of land toward Crowhead. The cow ponies, who 197 seemed to sense their part in bringing aid, covered ground rapidly.

Joe's hopes mounted as they drew closer to Crow-head. Perhaps Morgan's schemes had not been carried out. But there was one of their group still unaccounted for. Terry.

Where was he? was he?

”See ranch house soon,” Pye said, sensing the boy's anxiety.

They clopped up a long grade toward the summit of a hill. The ranch was on the other side.

Joe spurred his pony gently. It pulled ahead of Cherry, reaching the brow of the hill first.

Joe gazed at the far-off buildings, then he and Pete cried out in dismay.

”Pye!” Joe shouted.

The Indian raced to the boy's side. Together the three watched as black smoke billowed up in the distance.

The ranch buildings were on fire!

”Probably Morgan's fiendishness!” Joe thought, his jaws set in rage. ”Come on, Pye,”

he shouted, ”before it's too late!”


The Empty Stockade.

by the time the galloping ponies reached Crow-head, the place was an inferno.

Cowhands were lunning a hose to the ranch house, but the stream suddenly dribbled and stopped as the fire disabled Ihe water pump. Joe rushed up to his cousin Ruth who stood back from the scorching heat of the blaze. Hiding her head in her hands, she sobbed bitterly at this final, crus.h.i.+ng blow.

”Joe!” she cried.

”I'm so sorry. I-”

”It doesn't matter so much as you boys,” she interrupted. ”You're here! You're safe!” She embraced Joe hysterically. ”I thought when yqu didn't come back, something had happened to you!”

The distraught woman did not seem to notice that Frank was not with him. Joe decided not to tell her, but instead to help the men fight the fire.

The loyal cowhands were working frantically. When the pump failed, they had formed a bucket brigade and were pa.s.sing pails of water from a well up to the blaze.

The man standing nearest the fire was Hank. He looked ludicrous with his eyebrows singed off, his face blackened by the smoke, and his s.h.i.+rt ripped. But the foreman worked like a demon.

Joe dashed up to Pye and Pete. The three formed a new bucket line, and worked on a wing of the ranch house, which was still intact.

Finally the fire burned out. Only the small wing had been saved. Their backs and arms aching, and their bodies scorched by the heat, the cowhands flopped to the ground.

Hank came up to Joe, their eyes meeting for a long moment. ”Good work,” the foreman said, offering his hand.

Joe shook it.

”Hank,” he said, ”anybody who fights for Cousin Ruth's interest as you just did is a square shooter. I'm sorry I was ever suspicious of your loyalty.”

”Forget it.”

”Okay. But there's one thing I'd like to know. What about the mysterious telephone call that Chet overheard in the bunkhouse?”

”Oh, that.” Hank grinned. ”My brother down 200 in Albuquerque wanted me to come inspect some cattle, but I didn't hanker to go 'til you boys left. Kinda figgered you might get into trouble.”

”We're in trouble right now,” Joe told him.

Much as he disliked to tell Ruth Hardy any further disturbing news, Joe knew that not a moment should be lost in trying to rescue his father, Frank, Chet, and Terry.

”I must phone for help!” Joe said after telling his story to her and Hank.

The telephone was in the undamaged wing of the ranch house, but the line was dead.

Joe soon discovered the reason. The pole on which the wires were strung had burned to the ground.

There was only one thing to do. Joe must ride to the nearest town for the sheriff.

”I'll go with you,” Hank offered.

But no sooner were he and Joe in the saddle than a thundering of hoofs sounded in the distance. It came closer. Soon a group of about thirty riders galloped up.

Leading them was Terry, the singing cowboy! Beside him rode the sheriff!

”Terry!” Joe shouted. ”We thought you were lost.”

”Say, what's agoin' on here?” the cowboy cried, seeing the smoldering ruins. Then he added, 201 ”That's what Charlie Morgan must 'a' meant 'bout gettin' rid of everythin' at Crowhead.

Wai, he sh.o.r.e can't get away with this!”

Suddenly he spied Pete, and stared dumfounded. Quickly stories were exchanged.

Terry, while in the woods, had almost run into Arrow Charlie.

”He was talkin' to some skinny guy. They was tryin' to decide what to do with Frank an'