Part 39 (1/2)

”Certainly, if what you say is true. Where is the crowd?”

”They ran off in that direction,” came from Sam, as he loomed up out of the darkness. ”They have a yacht out there somewhere.”

”Then we can't catch them--unless we get a boat,” answered Sergeant Brown.

”We have a boat, out this way,” and Sam pointed with his hand.

”But I guess we had better make certain that they go out first.”

”True for you, young man. Lead the way and we'll be with you.”

All ran on again, Tom bringing up in the rear with d.i.c.k. Soon the cove previously mentioned was gained. They were just in time to see the _Flyaway_ disappearing in the darkness.

”Come back here!” cried Tom. ”If you don't it will be the worse for you!”

”Don't you attempt to follow us!” came savagely from Arnold Baxter. ”If you do, somebody will get shot!”

”By crickety, he's a bad one!” cried the second police officer.

”Stop! I order you to stop, in the name of the law!” shouted Sergeant Brown.

”It's the police!” howled Mumps in sudden terror. ”Oh, dear!

I knew we should catch it.”

”Shut up,” muttered Dan Baxter. ”Run up the jib, Goss, and be quick about it!”

”You do it--I'll have to steer here,” answered the sailor, and Dan Baxter leaped for the sheet mentioned.

”Are you going to stop?” cried Sergeant Brown, after a few seconds' pause.

To this there was no answer. The sergeant drew his pistol, but before he could use it, even if he so intended, the yacht was nothing but an uncertain shadow in the gloom of the night.

”We had better get to your boat,” said the police officer.

”All right; come on,” said Sam, and showed the way, which was decidedly uncertain. At one point there was a wide ditch to cross, and Tom had his hands full getting d.i.c.k over.

Martin Harris was watching for them, and had all ready to cast off should this be required.

”I'm mighty glad you found the police,” he said to d.i.c.k, who now felt able to do for himself once more. ”Will they go with us?”

”You are certain those folks on the other boat are thieves?”

demanded Sergeant Brown. ”Carter and I don't want to go off on any wild goose chase.”

”They are not only thieves, but abductors,” said d.i.c.k. ”We can easily prove it. They must be caught if it is possible to do so.”

”All right then, we'll go with you. Come, Carter,” and the two officers hopped on board. Soon the mainsail was set, followed by all the other available canvas, and the _Searchlight_ was continuing the chase which had been so curiously broken off.

Martin Harris was in the dark so far as knowing what course the _Flyaway_ had taken, and had to trust to luck to fall in with the fleeing craft.

”If she's going outside of Staten Island, I reckon I can spot her before long,” he said.

”It looks to me as if the clouds were blowing away,” said Tom.