Chapter 15 (1/2)
He had gone but perhaps not far. I flung the blanket away and sprinted out in slippers.
How could I have just fallen asleep? f.u.c.k me. Why didn’t I strip him naked and tie him to the bed?
I knew I wouldn’t be seeing him again if I did not find him this time. He came back to see me for the last time. He rushed back before his injuries could heal because he couldn’t leave me hanging. He must have gone to do something big, or maybe he had already done it?
But judging from what he said yesterday, he probably hadn’t yet.
I ran outside as I tried to think with my half-awake head straight until the main road.
It was only six or seven in the morning. A few people saw me running around like a mad man in cotton pajamas in the middle of winter and began pointing and whispering—which psych ward is this guy from?
I don’t see him. Where did he go?
Shen Bin, you little s.h.i.+t. d.a.m.n you. I… I’ll f.u.c.king kill you.
Only after I crouched down did I notice how cold it was.
I went back to get dressed, went to the ATM to withdraw some cash and took a taxi heading to the train station. I had to find him. I asked the driver on the way how much it cost to go to Shanghai. The driver said twenty-five bucks but the price was double during the New Year’s season. Habitually, I drove a hard bargain and struck the deal at thirty-five. I wondered if that rascal also took a taxi to Shanghai and if he also haggled.
I called home saying I was going to stock up. “There’s a new release. Super hard to get. Uh-huh. Yeah. Only in Shanghai. I might not even get it today. Might come home the day after. I’m staying at my old cla.s.smate’s place. Hmm. Yeah, carpool. Yeah, saves me the money for the trip there.”
I hung up. I recalled what Binbin had said. He was younger but he considered more.
I had parents whom I constantly worried about and who lived because of me. He never thought about long-term for the two of us, so it was not surprising that he had been so brave and straightforward with his courting… I dozed off thinking about this.
I got off at the new bus station in Shanghai. His company and dorm were the only places to begin the search. A drowning man takes his chances with a straw. It was the same as it had been before New Year’s. The entire building where the company had been was closed. The dorm had new tenants.
I knew finding him was nearly impossible, but I had to do something.
How could I have let him leave me? How could I have lost him? My parents aside, he was the dearest person in my life. I had to wait. Even if he committed a crime, he might run back to me or get locked up again or…
I sat down at ‘c.o.c.kadoodle’ across from his dorm and ordered a half a kilo of white cut chicken. I ate and I ate. It never seemed to run out. Eating with him last last time in Shanghai seemed just like yesterday. He had even taken out his cell… His cell phone!
I called that number of his that had been out of service for a long time. I was clutching at that piece of straw.
It went through. My heart stopped beating.
A man picked up. His voice was hoa.r.s.e and he asked me before I could say anything, “Lookin’ for Shen Bin?”
“Yes. And you are….”
“Wait in front of VM Security’s building.”
The call ended.
I was a bit stunned. Was it the gangs? All my knowledge on gangs was limited to movies. The most recent one was The Longest Nite: Tony Leung peeling nails off and chopping fingers… Brrr.
I waited for two hours in front of the building I had gone to at noon. No one came for me and it was so d.a.m.n cold. I tried calling again—‘the number you have dialed is currently unavailable.’ I had to keep waiting though, so I bought some bread and hard-boiled eggs at the convenience store to fill my stomach. Dammit. I was only halfway through that chicken!
Another two hours pa.s.sed. This place wasn’t a busy area and it was cold, so there weren’t many people out on the streets. I looked down at my watch. It was almost ten o’clock.
Are they blowing me off? Playing a joke on me?
Where’s Binbin?
My face had gone numb from the wind. Shuffling around did not help. I was just thinking about buying some more food when a small van pulled over. The door opened when it pa.s.sed by. I was pulled in. The door closed. The car left.
It really was like a movie.
The A/C inside was very warm. It was probably remodeled. The front was separate from the back and there were two rows with three seats each row facing each other with a s.p.a.ce in the middle. The one who pulled me in was a tall, lanky man. He pushed me down in a seat in the front row and sat down beside me.
A small light flicked on once I sat down and I saw there was a man sitting across from me. He didn’t look out of the ordinary: buzzcut, small eyes, tall nose, a bit of freckles on the face, a black tee inside a leather jacket, about thirty years of age. He didn’t have much of an expression though, so it looked like he was meditating or something.
“Who’re you?” He scrutinized me. It was the voice of the man who answered my call.
“I’m Qian. I’m Shen Bin’s friend.”
“The one who sell videos?” Still no expression.
“Not sell, rent…”
“You the one who got Bin-zi locked up?”
“No, I…”
“No?” His small eyes jeered at me but his face still showed no emotions.
I didn’t continue.
“What do ya want Bin-zi for?”
I remembered what Binbin told me so I kept it to a minimum. “He came back to see me but then suddenly left so I came looking for him.”
“He went to see ya, you who made him go in the slammers, instead o’ choppin’ ya up?” The corners of his lips curved upward.
“I didn’t do it on purpose. We’re actually on pretty good terms.” My words trailed off weakly.
He didn’t look at me anymore and instead began to crack his knuckles—crack, snap, crack…
“Ya needa tell the truth.” He looked up again and gave me a scare. His eyes were pinned on me and I felt like I could not catch my breath. I was useless, wasn’t I?
Was this the big brother whom Binbin was grateful for?
I gulped and was about to–
“I wanna hear the truth,” he reminded me as he crossed his legs.
“Shen Bin came looking for me on the third day of the New Year, wounded and running a fever. He left before he got better so I came to check on him.”
He closed his eyes. I was just about to ask where Shen Bin was when the man beside me stuck something against my waist. I took a look and it was a gun—a gun!
“Better be honest with us, punk.”
“I am telling the truth.” My voice shook. I know, I was spineless but I couldn’t help it.
It was a gun after all.
The car came to an abrupt halt. I didn’t know where we were. What were they going to do? Silence me and throw me into the Huangpu River? What about Shen Bin? What about him?
“What do you guys want? I’m just looking for Shen Bin. I want to take him back.”
The man across me stood up. “He ain’t got parents, or kids or n.o.body. Where’s he gonna go?”
“He keeps getting hurt being a guard and he was just released. I didn’t want him to get locked up again for doing something bad, so I was going to find him a job. It-it’d be better than working out here.”
The man didn’t speak. I had no idea what he was thinking. The gun on my waist had not moved the whole time and my cotton s.h.i.+rt was sticking to my skin because of the cold sweat. I thought of my ma and pa. If I died, that would be three lives gone.
He still had a blank expression as he stared at me. “Shen Bin came to me today sayin’ that he doesn’t wanna roll with me no more.”
He doesn’t wanna roll no more? He came back because he didn’t want to keep doing this? Because of me?
The man gave the tall guy beside me a look. “Show ‘im what you got there on ya.”
The tall guy faltered for a second before taking something out from a bag and throwing it on the floor.
It was a finger. It was still b.l.o.o.d.y.
“Bin-zi chopped it off his right hand.” The man wiggled his index finger. “Without this he can’t shoot, useless. What the h.e.l.l did ya do that he’d come back and do this to himself?”
The thing on the floor was his index finger.
He had asked me last night, ‘Ge, will you not like me if I take the bad path?’
I lunged for his finger. Perhaps it could still be reattached. He had it hard enough. He couldn’t become crippled on top of that. It was all my fault. It was all those a.s.sholes’ fault!
The tall guy yanked on my clothes to pull me up. I do not know where I got the energy from, I even forgot he had a gun, and kept thras.h.i.+ng around, waving my left hand at him and picking up the finger from the floor with my right.
It was kind of cold.
Pain shot through my scalp. The tall guy switched to yanking on my hair. He kneed me in the stomach and I felt as if my insides were being stirred around. I thought I was probably not going to make it out alive today. With his cold finger in my grasp, I suddenly had the thought when the pain was about to kill me, that maybe, perhaps Binbin wasn’t compliant so they… If not, where did they get the SIM card? Then I had called at the right time so now they were going to get rid of loose ends.
Had I put him in danger again?
Was he dead?
The doom overwhelmed me. I clawed at the man pulling on my hair and escaped his grasp. I headed for the culprit across from me. Yes. Him.
Before I took one step, something hit my mouth—the grip of the gun—and knocked out a tooth. I fell to the floor after another kick.
I spat the tooth out. It didn’t even hurt.
That’s right. Binbin, he… He had been killed by them.
He was dead.
Now they were going to kill me.