Part 58 (2/2)
”We aren't helpin' out Phillips now. He isn't askin' help, at least I gather he's satisfied to wait. You get this statement on your own hook, and don't tell him you're gettin' it. Will you?”
”I'll write for it to-night.”
”Good! That'll get things started, anyhow. Now is there anything else you want to tell me?”
”No--no, I guess not. But, Cap'n Kendrick, do you honestly think there is a chance for me?”
For an instant his companion lost patience. ”Don't ask that again,” he ordered. ”There is a chance--yes. How much of a chance we can't tell yet. You go home and stop worryin'. You've turned the wheel over to me, haven't you? Yes; well, then let me do the steerin' for a spell.”
Kent rose from his chair. He drew a long breath. He looked at the captain, who had risen also, and it was evident that there was still something on his mind. He fidgeted, hesitated, and then hurried forth a labored apology.
”I--I am awfully ashamed of myself, Cap'n Kendrick,” he began.
”That's all right, George. We all make mistakes--business mistakes especially. If I hadn't made one, and a bad one, I might not be stranded here in Judah's galley to-night.”
”I didn't mean business. I meant I was ashamed of treating you as I have. Ever since that time when--when Elizabeth was here and I came over and--and said all those fool things to you, I--I've been ashamed. I _was_ a fool. I am a fool most of the time, I guess.”
”Oh, I guess not, George. We're all taken with the foolish disease once in a while.”
”But I was such a fool. The idea of my being jealous of you--a man pretty nearly old enough to be my father. No, not so old as that, of course, but--older. I don't know what ailed me, but whatever it was, I've paid for it.... She--she has hardly spoken to me since.”
”I'm sorry, George.”
”Yes.... Has she--has she said anything about me to you, Cap'n?”
”Why--er--no, George, not much. She and I are not--well, not very confidential, outside of business matters, that is.”
”No, I suppose not. Mr. Phillips told me she had--well, that she and you were not--not as----”
”Yes, all right, all right, George; I understand. Outside of Fair Harbor managin' we don't talk of many things.”
”No, that's what he said. He seemed to think you two had had some sort of quarrel--or disagreement, you know. But I never took much stock in that. After all, why should you and she be interested in the same sort of things? She isn't much older than I am, about my age really, and of course you----”
”Yes, yes,” hastily. ”All right.... Well, I guess your coat is middlin'
dry, George. Here it is.”
”Thanks. But that wasn't all I meant to say. You see, Cap'n Kendrick, I did treat you so badly and yet all the time I've had such confidence in you. Ever since you gave me that advice the night of the theatricals I've--well, somehow I've felt as if a fellow could depend on you, you know--always, in spite of everything. Eh, why, by George, _she_ said that very thing about you once, said it to me. She said you were so dependable. Say, that's queer, that she and I should both think the very same thing about you.”
”Um-m. Yes, isn't it?”
”Yes. It shows, after all, how closely alike our minds, hers and mine, work. We”--he hesitated, reddened, and then continued, with a fresh outburst of confidence: ”You see, Cap'n,” he said, ”I have felt all the time that this--this trouble between Elizabeth and me, wasn't going to last. I was to blame--at least, I guess I probably was, and I meant to go to her and tell her so. But I waited until--until I had pulled off this stock deal. I meant to go to her with two or three thousand dollars that I had made myself, you see, and--and ask her pardon and--well, then I hoped she would--would.... You understand, don't you, Cap'n Kendrick?”
”Why--er--yes, I guess likely, George, in a way.”
”Yes. I wanted to show her that I _was_ good for something, and then--and then, maybe it would be all right again. You see?”
”Surely, George. Yes, yes.... Ready for your coat?”