Part 46 (2/2)

”Why--why, I don't know why he shouldn't. Lots of folks who know as much as he does and have been everywhere and known the kind of people he knows--they would be stuck up--yes, and are. Look at Cap'n Elkhanah Wingate and his wife.”

”I don't want to look at 'em. How do you know how much this Phillips knows?”

”How do I _know_? Why, Sears, you ought to hear him talk. I never heard such talk. The children just--just hung on his words, as they say. And he was so nice to them. And Joel and George Kent they think he's the greatest man they ever saw. Oh, all hands in Bayport like him.”

”Humph! When he was here before, teachin' singin' school, he wasn't such a Grand Panjandrum. At least, I never heard that he was.”

”Sears, you don't like him, do you? I'm real surprised. Yes, and--and sorry. Why don't you like him?”

Her brother laughed. ”I didn't say I didn't like him, Sarah,” he replied. ”Besides, what difference would one like more or less make? I don't know him very well.”

”But he likes you. Why, he said he didn't know when he had met a man who gave him such an impression of--of strength and character as you did. He said that right at our supper table. I tell you I was proud when he said it about my brother.”

So Sears had not the heart to utter more skepticism. He encouraged Sarah to tell more of her arrangements with the great man. He was, it appeared, to have not only the bedroom which Sears had occupied, but also the room adjoining.

”One will be his bedroom,” explained Mrs. Macomber, ”and the other his sittin' room, sort of. His little suite, he calls 'em. He is movin' the rest of his things in to-day.”

Seers looked at her. ”Two rooms!” he exclaimed. ”He's to have _two_ rooms in your house! For heaven sakes, Sarah, where do the rest of you live; in the cellar? Goin' to let the children sleep in the cistern?”

She explained. It was a complicated process, but she had worked it out.

Lemuel and Edgar had always had a room together, but now Bemis was to have a cot there also. ”And Joey, of course, is only a baby, his bed is in our room, Joel's and mine. And Sarah-Mary and Aldora, they are same as they have been.”

”Yes, yes, but that doesn't explain the extra room, his sitting room.

Where does that come from?”

She hesitated a moment. ”Well--well, you see,” she said, ”there wasn't any other bedroom except the one George hires, and he is goin' to stay for a while longer anyway. At first it didn't seem as if I could let Mr.

Phillips have the sittin' room he wanted. But at last Joel and I thought it out. We don't use the front parlor hardly any, and there is the regular sittin' room left for us anyway, so----”

”Sarah Kendrick Macomber, do you mean to tell me you've let this fellow have your _front parlor_?”

”Why--why, yes. We don't hardly ever use it, Sears. I don't believe we've used that parlor--really opened the blinds and used it, I mean--since Father Macomber's funeral, and that was--let me see--over six years ago.”

Her brother slowly shook his head. ”The judge was right,” he declared.

”He certainly was right. Smoothness isn't any name for it.”

”Sears, what are you talkin' about? I can't understand you. I thought you would be glad to think such a splendid man as he is was goin' to live with us. To say nothin' of my makin' all this extra money. Of course, if you don't want me to do it, I won't. I wouldn't oppose you, Sears, for anything in this world. But I--I must say----”

He laid his hand on hers. ”There, Sarah,” he broke in. ”Don't pay too much attention to me. I'm crochetty these days, have a good deal on my mind. If you think takin' this Phillips man aboard is a good thing for you, I'm glad. How much does he pay you a week?”

She told him. It was more than fair rate for those days.

”Humph!” he observed. ”Well, Sarah, good luck to you. I hope you get it.”

”Get it! Why, of course I'll get it, Sears. Its all arranged. And I want you and Mr. Phillips to know each other real well. I'm goin' to tell him he must call again to see you.”
