Part 44 (1/2)

”Here! Hold on, George!” he put in, sharply. ”What's all this?”

Kent's embarra.s.sment increased. ”Why--why, nothing,” he stammered.

”Nothing, of course. But you see, Cap'n, people are silly--they don't stop to count ages and things like that. They see you with her so much.... And when they see you taking her to ride--alone----”

”Here! That'll do!” All the cordiality had left the captain's voice.

”George,” he said, after a moment, ”I guess you'd better not say any more. I don't think I had better hear it. Miss Elizabeth is a friend of mine. She is, as you say, years younger than I am. I _am_ with her a good deal, have to be because of our Fair Harbor work together. I took her to Orham with me just as I'd take her mother, or you, or any other friend who had to go and wanted a lift. But--_but_ if you or any one else is hintin' that.... There, there! George, don't be foolish. Maybe you'd better run along now. The doctor says I mustn't get excited.”

His visitor looked remarkably foolish, but the stubbornness had not altogether left his face or tone as he said: ”Well, that's all right, Cap'n. I knew you would understand. _I_ didn't mean anything, but--but, you see, in Elizabeth's case I feel a--a sort of responsibility.

You--you understand.”

Even irritated and angry as he was, Sears could not help smiling at the last sentence.

”George,” he observed, ”you've been fairly open and aboveboard in your remarks to me. Suppose I ask you a question. Just what _is_ your responsibility in the case? I have heard said, and more than once, that you and Elizabeth Berry are engaged to be married. Is it so?”

The young man grew redder yet, hesitated, and turned to the door.

”I--I'm not at liberty to say,” he declared.

”Wait! Hold on! There is this responsibility business. If you're not engaged--well, honestly, George, I don't quite see where your responsibility comes in.”

Kent hesitated a moment longer. Then he seemed to make up his mind.

”Well, then, we are--er--er--practically,” he said.

”Practically?... Oh! Well, I--I certainly do congratulate you.”

George had his hand on the latch, but turned back.

”Don't--please don't tell any one of it,” he said earnestly. ”It--it mustn't be known yet.... You see, though, why I--I feel as if you--as if we all ought to be very careful of--of appearances--and--and such things.”

”Yes.... Yes, of course. Well, all right, George. Good-by. Call again.”

Judah, who had been over at the Fair Harbor doing some general around the place, came in a little later. His lodger called to him.

”Judah,” he commanded, ”come in here. I want to talk to you.” When Mr.

Cahoon obeyed the order, he was told to sit down a moment.

”I want to ask you some questions,” said the captain. ”What is the latest news of Egbert Phillips? Where is he nowadays? And what is he doin'?”

Judah was quite ready to give the information, even eager, but he hesitated momentarily.

”Sure you want me to talk about him, Cap'n?” he asked. ”Last time I said anything about him--day afore yesterday 'twas--you told me to shut up.

Said you had somethin' more important to think about.”

”Did I, Judah? Well, 'twas true then, I guess.”

”Um-hm. And you ordered me not to mention his name again till you h'isted signals, or somethin' like that.”

”Yes, seems to me I did. Well, the signals are up. What is he doin'?”