Part 26 (1/2)
CRICHTON. They had to keep their place.
LADY BROCKLEHURST. Wonderful. How was it managed? (With an inspiration.) You, girl, tell me that?
(Can there be a more critical moment?)
TWEENY (in agony). If you please, my lady, it was all the Gov.'s doing.
(They give themselves up for lost. LORD LOAM tries to sink out of sight.)
CRICHTON. In the regrettable slang of the servants' hall, my lady, the master is usually referred to as the Gov.
LADY BROCKLEHURST. I see. (She turns to LORD LOAM.) You--
LORD LOAM (reappearing). Yes, I understand that is what they call me.
LADY BROCKLEHURST (to CRICHTON). You didn't even take your meals with the family?
CRICHTON. No, my lady, I dined apart.
(Is all safe?)
LADY BROCKLEHURST (alas). You, girl, also? Did you dine with Crichton?
TWEENY (scared). No, your ladys.h.i.+p.
LADY BROCKLEHURST (fastening on her). With whom?
TWEENY. I took my bit of supper with--with Daddy and Polly and the rest.
(Vae victis.)
ERNEST (leaping into the breach). Dear old Daddy--he was our monkey. You remember our monkey, Agatha?
AGATHA. Rather! What a funny old darling he was.
CATHERINE (thus encouraged). And don't you think Polly was the sweetest little parrot, Mary?
LADY BROCKLEHURST. Ah! I understand; animals you had domesticated?
LORD LOAM (heavily). Quite so--quite so.
LADY BROCKLEHURST. The servants' teas that used to take place here once a month--
CRICHTON. They did not seem natural on the island, my lady, and were discontinued by the Gov.'s orders.
LORD BROCKLEHURST. A clear proof, Loam, that they were a mistake here.
LORD LOAM (seeing the opportunity for a diversion). I admit it frankly.