Part 12 (1/2)
LADY MARY. A hairpin! It must be one of ours. Give it me, father.
AGATHA. No, it's mine.
LORD LOAM. I didn't keep it.
LADY MARY (speaking for all three). Didn't keep it? Found a hairpin on an island, and didn't keep it?
LORD LOAM (humbly). My dears.
AGATHA (scarcely to be placated). Oh father, we have returned to nature more than you bargained for.
LADY MARY. For shame, Agatha. (She has something on her mind.) Father, there is something I want you to do at once--I mean to a.s.sert your position as the chief person on the island.
(They are all surprised.)
LORD LOAM. But who would presume to question it?
CATHERINE. She must mean Ernest.
AGATHA. It's cruel to say anything against Ernest.
LORD LOAM (firmly). If any one presumes to challenge my position, I shall make short work of him.
AGATHA. Here comes Ernest; now see if you can say these horrid things to his face.
LORD LOAM. I shall teach him his place at once.
LADY MARY (anxiously). But how?
LORD LOAM (chuckling). I have just thought of an extremely amusing way of doing it. (As ERNEST approaches.) Ernest.
ERNEST (loftily). Excuse me, uncle, I'm thinking. I'm planning out the building of this hut.
LORD LOAM. I also have been thinking.
ERNEST. That don't matter.
ERNEST. Please, please, this is important.
LORD LOAM. I have been thinking that I ought to give you my boots.
LADY MARY. Father.
LORD LOAM (genially). Take them, my boy. (With a rapidity we had not thought him capable of, ERNEST becomes the wearer of the boots.) And now I dare say you want to know why I give them to you, Ernest?