Part 5 (2/2)

Instead of chipping in my share, and settling each account, to receive munificence with grateful mind is an acknowledgment which no amount of money can purchase. I have neither t.i.tle nor official position but I am an independent fellow, and to have an independent fellow kowtow to you in acknowledgment of the favor you extend him should be considered as far more than a return acknowledgment with a million yen. I made Porcupine blow one sen and a half, and gave him my grat.i.tude which is more costly than a million yen. He ought to have been thankful for that.

And then what an outrageous fellow to plan a cowardly action behind my back! I will give him back that one sen and a half tomorrow, and all will be square. Then I will land him one. When I thought thus far, I felt sleepy and slept like a log. The next day, as I had something in my mind, I went to the school earlier than usual and waited for Porcupine, but he did not appear for a considerable time. ”Confucius” was there, so was Clown, and finally Red s.h.i.+rt, but for Porcupine there was a piece of chalk on his desk but the owner was not there. I had been thinking of paying that one sen and a half as soon as I entered the room, and had brought the coppers to the school grasped in my hand. My hands get easily sweaty, and when I opened my hand, I found them wet. Thinking that Porcupine might say something if wet coins were given him, I placed them upon my desk, and cooled them by blowing in them. Then Red s.h.i.+rt came to me and said he was sorry to detain me yesterday, thought I have been annoyed. I told him I was not annoyed at all, only I was hungry.

Thereupon Red s.h.i.+rt put his elbows upon the desk, brought his sauce-pan-like face close to my nose, and said; ”Say, keep dark what I told you yesterday in the boat. You haven't told it anybody, have you?”

He seems quite a nervous fellow as becoming one who talks in a feminish voice. It was certain that I had not told it to anybody, but as I was in the mood to tell it and had already one sen and a half in my hand, I would be a little rattled if a gag was put on me. To the devil with Red s.h.i.+rt! Although he had not mentioned the name ”Porcupine,” he had given me such pointers as to put me wise as to who the objective was, and now he requested me not to blow the gaff!--it was an irresponsibility least to be expected from a head teacher. In the ordinary run of things, he should step into the thick of the fight between Porcupine and me, and side with me with all his colors flying. By so doing, he might be worthy the position of the head teacher, and vindicate the principle of wearing red s.h.i.+rts.

I told the head teacher that I had not divulged the secret to anybody but was going to fight it out with Porcupine. Red s.h.i.+rt was greatly perturbed, and stuttered out; ”Say, don't do anything so rash as that. I don't remember having stated anything plainly to you about Mr.

Hotta....... if you start a scrimmage here, I'll be greatly embarra.s.sed.” And he asked the strangely outlandish question if I had come to the school to start trouble? Of course not, I said, the school would not stand for my making trouble and pay me salary for it. Red s.h.i.+rt then, perspiring, begged me to keep the secret as mere reference and never mention it. ”All right, then,” I a.s.sured him, ”this robs me shy, but since you're so afraid of it, I'll keep it all to myself.” ”Are you sure?” repeated Red s.h.i.+rt. There was no limit to his womanishness.

If Red s.h.i.+rt was typical of Bachelors of Arts, I did not see much in them. He appeared composed after having requested me to do something self-contradictory and wanting logic, and on top of that suspects my sincerity.

”Don't you mistake,” I said to myself, ”I'm a man to the marrow, and haven't the idea of breaking my own promises; mark that!”

Meanwhile the occupants of the desks on both my sides came to the room, and Red s.h.i.+rt hastily withdrew to his own desk. Red s.h.i.+rt shows some air even in his walk. In stepping about the room, he places down his shoes so as to make no sound. For the first time I came to know that making no sound in one's walk was something satisfactory to one's vanity. He was not training himself for a burglar, I suppose. He should cut out such nonsense before it gets worse. Then the bugle for the opening of was heard. Porcupine did not appear after all. There was no other way but to leave the coins upon the desk and attend the cla.s.s.

When I returned to the room a little late after the first hour cla.s.s, all the teachers were there at their desks, and Porcupine too was there. The moment Porcupine saw my face, he said that he was late on my account, and I should pay him a fine. I took out that one sen and a half, and saying it was the price of the ice water, shoved it on his desk and told him to take it. ”Don't josh me,” he said, and began laughing, but as I appeared unusually serious, he swept the coins back to my desk, and flung back, ”Quit fooling.” So he really meant to treat me, eh?

”No fooling; I mean it,” I said. ”I have no reason to accept your treat, and that's why I pay you back. Why don't you take it?”

”If you're so worried about that one sen and a half, I will take it, but why do you pay it at this time so suddenly?”

”This time or any time, I want to pay it back. I pay it back because I don't like you treat me.”

Porcupine coldly gazed at me and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed ”H'm.” If I had not been requested by Red s.h.i.+rt, here was the chance to show up his cowardice and make it hot for him. But since I had promised not to reveal the secret, I could do nothing. What the deuce did he mean by ”H'm” when I was red with anger.

”I'll take the price of the ice water, but I want you leave your boarding house.”

”Take that coin; that's all there is to it. To leave or not,--that's my pleasure.”

”But that is not your pleasure. The boss of your boarding house came to me yesterday and wanted me to tell you leave the house, and when I heard his explanation, what he said was reasonable. And I dropped there on my way here this morning to hear more details and make sure of everything.”

What Porcupine was trying to get at was all dark to me.

”I don't care a snap what the boss was d.a.m.n well pleased to tell you,” I cried. ”What do you mean by deciding everything by yourself! If there is any reason, tell me first. What's the matter with you, deciding what the boss says is reasonable without hearing me.”

”Then you shall hear,” he said. ”You're too tough and been regarded a nuisance over there. Say, the wife of a boarding house is a wife, not a maid, and you've been such a four-flusher as to make her wipe your feet.”

”When did I make her wipe my feet?” I asked.

”I don't know whether you did or did not, but anyway they're pretty sore about you. He said he can make ten or fifteen yen easily if he sell a roll of panel-picture.”

”d.a.m.n the chap! Why did he take me for a boarder then!”

”I don't know why. They took you but they want you leave because they got tired of you. So you'd better get out.”

”Sure, I will. Who'd stay in such a house even if they beg me on their knees. You're insolent to have induced me to go to such a false accuser in the first place.”

”Might be either I'm insolent or you're tough.” Porcupine is no less hot-tempered than I am, and spoke with equally loud voice. All the other teachers in the room, surprised, wondering what has happened, looked in our direction and craned their necks. I was not conscious of having done anything to be ashamed of, so I stood up and looked around. Clown alone was laughing amused. The moment he met my glaring stare as if to say ”You too want to fight?” he suddenly a.s.sumed a grave face and became serious. He seemed to be a little cowed. Meanwhile the bugle was heard, and Porcupine and I stopped the quarrel and went to the cla.s.s rooms.
