Part 31 (1/2)
”That same night, as he was sleeping in his bed, came the uproar again as before, and shook the windows and doors in a wonderful manner. The knight then could not but rouse himself; and, sitting up, cried out, 'Who knocks so loud at my chamber at such an hour?'
”'It is I--it is I!' was the answer.
”'And who sends you?'
”'The clerk of Catalonia, whom you have wronged out of his property; and I will never leave you in peace till you have reckoned with him for it, and he is content.'
”'And what is your name, who are so good a messenger?'
”'I am called Orton.'
”'Orton,' said the knight, 'the service of a clerk is beneath you; you will find it more trouble than profit; leave it, and serve me--you will be glad of the exchange.'
”Now, Orton had _taken a fancy_ to the Lord of Coarraze; and, after a pause, he said,
”'Are you in earnest?'
”'Certainly,' replied the knight; 'let us understand each other. You must do evil to no one, and we shall be very good friends.'
”'No, no,' said Orton, 'I have no power to do evil to you or others, except to disturb them when they might sleep.'
”'Well, then, we are agreed,' said the knight; 'in future, you serve me, and quit that wretched clerk.'
”'Be it as you will,' said Orton, 'so will I.'
”From this time, the spirit attached himself with such affection to the lord, that he constantly visited him at night; and when he found him asleep he made a noise at his ear, or at the doors and windows; and the knight used to wake and cry out, 'Orton, let me alone, I entreat!'
”'No, I will not,' was the reply, 'till I have told you some news.'
”Meantime, the lady used to lie frightened to death--her hair on end, and her head covered with the bed-clothes. Her husband would say:
”'Well, what news have you?--from what country do you come?'
”The spirit would answer:
”'Why, from England, or Germany, or Hungary, or other countries. I set out yesterday, and such and such things happened.'
”In this manner was the count informed of all that occurred in every part of the globe for five or six years: and he could not conceal the truth, but imparted it to the Count of Foix, when he came to visit him.
The count was greatly surprised at what he told, and expressed a wish that he possessed such a courier.
”'Have you never seen him?' said he.
”'Never,' answered the knight.
”'I would certainly do so,' said the Count de Foix; 'you tell me he speaks Gascon as well as you or I. Pray see him, and tell me what form he bears.'
”'I have never sought to do so,' said the knight; 'but, since you wish it, I will make a point of desiring him to reveal himself.'
”The next time Orton brought his news, his master told him he desired to behold him; and, after a little persuasion, he agreed that he should be gratified. 'The first thing you see to-morrow morning,' said he, 'when you rise from your bed, will be me.'
”The morning came, and when the knight was getting up, the lady was so afraid of seeing Orton that she pretended to be sick, and would not rise. The knight, however, was resolved, and leapt up with the hope of seeing him in a proper form, but nothing appeared. He ran to the windows, and opened the shutters to let the light in, but still there was no appearance in his room.