Part 2 (1/2)

Lillian frowned. ”Do you think I'm all that proud of the fact that one of the last things that woman heard in her life was my snippy remark about her low morals? Jennifer, I was wrong to confront her. It wasn't my fight, but I had to step in and be clever, and now I couldn't take it back even if I wanted to.”

I knew Lillian had a certain sensitivity about her, but her brash nature usually made it hard to remember that all the time. ”Listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you on it.”

When Lillian looked at me, I could see a tear tracking down her left cheek. ”Jennifer, it's fine, but I really don't want to talk about it right now, all right?”

”Certainly,” I said, looking at the other witnesses gathered around the front of the room. Addie Mason, a tall, reedy woman with flaming red hair, was there. As Eliza's partner at Heaven Scent, it was understandable why she'd talked to the woman that evening. It kind of surprised me to see Luke Penwright there, though. Luke and Eliza had been married ten years before, but it had lasted less than six months before they'd split up. From what I'd heard around town, Luke had been trying unsuccessfully for years to get her back. He was good-looking enough in his own way, but there was something about his heavy eyebrows and constant scowl that always gave me the creeps. Polly Blackburn was waiting to speak with Bradford as well. I knew some folks in town called her Jolly Polly, but it wasn't from her disposition. The woman was nearly as wide as she was tall, and she had a tongue that could scorch the paint off the side of a barn from thirty feet. The only one left was Kaye Jansen. I didn't have a clue she'd even known Eliza.

I touched my aunt's arm, and whispered, ”Did Kaye know Eliza very well?”

Lillian frowned, then said, ”She knew her well enough to sue her for slander. Nothing ever came of it, but they weren't big fans of one another. I heard that it didn't help matters when Kaye's father-in-law hired Eliza to do their books. I can't imagine what they had to talk about tonight.”

”Eliza and Polly didn't get along either, did they?”

Lillian said, ”No, Polly always complained bitterly that she should be the chamber's president, but Eliza kept getting reelected year after year. From what I've heard, there were accusations of stuffed ballot boxes during more than one election.”

I was about to ask about the others, since my aunt knew most of the skeletons hanging in Rebel Forge's closets, but Bradford broke up our conversation when he returned with Sara Lynn. ”Lillian, I'll see you now.” He turned to me and added, ”Jennifer, do you mind taking Sis home with you? Sara Lynn doesn't need to be alone tonight.”

”I'll do it,” I said.

”I don't need a babysitter,” my sister insisted.

”And you're not getting one. To be honest with you, I'm not crazy about staying home alone tonight myself.”

Sara Lynn scowled. ”You're never alone, Jennifer. You've always got your roommates.”

”I doubt they'd be much comfort tonight.” That wasn't fair to my cats, but I had to come up with an excuse to be with Sara Lynn. I doubted Oggie and Nash would even notice I was gone, as long as their meals came on time. I loved the little scoundrels, but there were times when I wondered if the feeling was mutual. ”Let me just go by the apartment and feed them, then I'll come home with you.”

Sara Lynn shook her head. ”Jennifer, I have no desire to go back to my house tonight.” She hesitated, then added, ”It's too empty without Bailey there. I'll gladly take your couch instead.”

”Nonsense, you can have the bed and I'll sleep out on the couch. It will be like camping.”

She rolled her eyes at me. ”Jennifer, you're nearly a foot taller than I am, and I barely fit on it. You would dangle over from both ends. I'll be fine.”

We were still debating our sleeping arrangements when Lillian rejoined us. As Bradford called to Addie Mason, our aunt said, ”Are you two still here?”

”We're trying to decide where we're going to sleep tonight,” I said.

”I thought it would be obvious. You two are going to be my guests tonight.” Lillian had a huge old house, and I knew she had plenty of room for guests, even though she'd converted one entire bedroom into a closet.

I could see Sara Lynn wasn't crazy about the idea, so I had to plow ahead. ”We'd love to. I just have to feed Oggie and Nash first.”

”By all means, bring them with you. You know how the rascals love to explore my house.”

That was usually a sticking point with Lillian whenever I dared bring them over, but I wasn't about to argue with her. ”They'll love it. Come on, Sara Lynn, it will be fun.”

She raised an eyebrow, but she didn't back out of the arrangement, so I considered it a victory.

As we walked out of Hurley's, I noticed that Hank was watching us. My first reaction was to stick my tongue out at him, but I settled for an icy stare and an aloof manner. That would teach him to try to order me around. When I glanced back to see how my withering treatment had affected him, I realized he'd dismissed me and had moved on to the next person in his line. And I'd wasted a perfectly good freeze on him.

There was a chill in the mountain air with the sun long gone, and I wished for a moment I'd brought a sweater with me. Lillian chattered, ”Let's hurry, my Mustang's in front of the shop. We can get your cars tomorrow.”

As we hurried back to Custom Card Creations, Sara Lynn said, ”Thanks, but I'm going home to collect a few things first. I'll need my car for that.”

”I can take you,” Lillian insisted.

”Blast it, woman, I'm not nine years old. I'm perfectly capable of going home alone.”

Lillian smiled, and Sara Lynn couldn't let it go. ”What are you grinning about?”

”I was afraid you'd lost your fire for a minute there, but I see you've found it.”

Sara Lynn chuckled softly. ”Don't kid yourself; I'm teetering on the edge.”

”That's all the more reason you shouldn't be alone tonight,” I said. ”If you come with me to get my cats, I'll follow you home. Then we can go to Lillian's together.” I looked at my aunt and said, ”Do you have any dessert in your refrigerator? I've got a craving for chocolate.”

”How about a pan of my famous double chocolate brownies?” Lillian asked.

”You've got some at home?” I said. ”That would be perfect.”

”I don't have them ready, but they will be by the time you two run your errands.”

Sara Lynn said, ”I don't want you to go to any trouble for us.”

”Speak for yourself, Sis,” I said. ”Go to the trouble,” I told Lillian.

Lillian laughed. ”You really should come out of your sh.e.l.l more, Jennifer.” ”What can I say? I'm trying.” We split up in front of the card shop, and soon we were at my converted attic loft. I had the top s.p.a.ce of a charming old Victorian, and it was my favorite place I'd had in years, despite the presence of a forgetful poltergeist.

There was a note taped to my door, and I wondered if one of my downstairs neighbors was trying to make peace with me again. We'd had good reason to argue in the past, and I was in no mood for their antics.

It was from Hester Taylor, my landlord. I opened it and read,

'Jennifer, I'm sorry I missed you. I'm selling the house and grounds, so I'm afraid you'll have to find somewhere else to live. I do apologize, but I have to do this. You can have one more week, but you've got to be gone by then.-Hester.'

”How do you like that?” I said as I handed Sara Lynn the note.

”She can't do that,” Sara Lynn said. ”The woman's got to give you more notice than that.”

”You're probably right, but I've never been keen on staying somewhere I'm not wanted. It looks like I'll be moving again.”

”I've got an idea,” Sara Lynn said. ”You can move in with me. Now that Bailey's gone, I'd love the company.”

”If it were just me, I might take you up on your offer,” I said, lying with an innocent face. ”But you know how the cats are. They would drive you nuts in no time.” It was certainly true that Oggie and Nash weren't my sister's biggest fans, but it was by no means the only reason I'd refused her offer. I'd struggled too hard and too long to be out on my own and out of my family's formidable shadow, and I wasn't about to let one of them suck me back in. As soon as Lillian and Bradford found out I'd been evicted, I knew they'd get in line to offer me housing, so 1 had to be firm in my resolve from the beginning.