Part 5 (1/2)
”No. I--I understood that he does not care to take patients without references as to their standing, financial and otherwise.”
”My dear girl, you would have no trouble. Of course he is overrun with patients--and as his sanatorium is a small one, he is obliged to charge large fees and take only the best and wealthiest cla.s.s. He is an investigator, rather than a pract.i.tioner, and for that reason is obliged to guard his time.”
”Then may I ask that you will give me a letter to him?” Grace said, hesitatingly.
”Certainly. I'll do it gladly. When do you intend to call on him?”
”I thought of going at once.”
”Then I'll do better than give you a letter. I'll call him up by telephone and make an appointment for you. Say in half an hour. It will take you about twenty minutes to drive to his place. Will that be convenient?”
”Perfectly, Mr. Phelps, and thank you very much.”
”Nonsense, my dear girl. Only too happy to do it for you. You must come and meet Mrs. Phelps, later on, and dine with us. Just at present she is out, taking tea with some friends. I want you to know her.” He rose and started toward the door. ”Excuse me for a few moments, while I telephone the doctor.”
Grace, left alone, could not help regretting the deceit she had been obliged to practise upon her aunt's old friend, but there seemed to be no help for it. She only hoped that nothing would occur, subsequently, to involve the latter in any disagreeable explanations.
Mr. Phelps returned to the drawing-room in a few moments, his face weathed in smiles of satisfaction. ”You're lucky,” he said. ”Dr.
Hartmann tells me that he can accommodate you at once, as he discharged one of his patients, cured, only this morning. If you propose to remain at his house for treatment, which would be the only satisfactory way, I would suggest that you drive around by way of your hotel and arrange to have your baggage sent at once. I have written the address, and a few words to the doctor, on this card. Any of the cab drivers will know it, of course. Dr. Hartmann is one of the most prominent men in Brussels. I wish you good luck in your stay at his place, and whenever you are in the city, come in and have luncheon. Mrs. Phelps will be delighted.” He led the way to the door, and ushered the girl into her cab. ”Glad I was able to be of service to you,” he said, as she drove off.
When Grace entered the office of Dr. Hartmann, she was quite conscious of the fact that it would not be necessary for her to pretend to be nervous. In fact she felt herself turning hot and cold with fear, and wondered whether she would have the courage to play the part which had been so unexpectedly thrust upon her.
The place itself was pleasant and attractive enough in appearance. It consisted of a large stone building, with a mansard roof, set back some hundred or more yards from the street, and surrounded by a small park, filled with trees and shrubbery. A well-kept gravel driveway lead from the gate to the main entrance, which opened into a large hall. She observed as she came in, a sort of parlor, or reception-room, to the right, handsomely furnished in rather an old-fas.h.i.+oned style, with a large marble mantel and fireplace at one end of it. In the latter a blaze of cannel coal lit up the room with a pleasant radiance. It was not yet dark without, and the lights in the reception room were unlit, although a lamp was burning in the hall.
The maid who admitted her, a pleasant-faced German woman of middle age, conducted her into the reception-room, and taking her card, disappeared down the hall. In a few moments she returned, and nodding to Grace, opened a door at the left of the hall and bade her enter.
She found herself in the doctor's office, a large room, furnished in leather. A table in the center contained a lamp, and many magazines and papers. There was no one in the room when she entered, but before she had time to select a chair, a door at the rear of the room opened, and Dr. Hartmann came in.
He was a man of powerful build, and gave one the impression of great size, although not in reality above medium height. His shoulders, however, were very broad and thick, his neck short and powerful, his head large, with heavy iron-gray hair. A short beard of the same color covered the lower part of his face, while through a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles his eyes shone with piercing brightness. Grace thought, as he came toward her, that she had seldom seen a more striking-looking man.
”Be seated, miss,” he said, addressing her in English, though with a decided accent. ”You are Miss Grace Ellicott, I believe.” He glanced at the card which he held in his hand.
”Yes,” said Grace, nervously taking a seat.
”Mr. Phelps tells me you suffer from somnambulism,” the doctor went on.
”How long have you observed the symptoms?”
”About six months,” answered Grace, steadily.
”Are the occurrences frequent?”
”Yes. Almost every night.”
”Had you experienced any great shock, about the time these manifestations began?”
”Yes. My aunt, whom I loved very dearly, had died.”
”Oh! And when you walk in your sleep, do you seem to see her?”
Grace reflected over this question for several moments. Then she recollected that persons given to somnambulism never remember their experiences. ”No. I have no recollection of what occurs.”