Part 27 (1/2)
”My dear,” said Jan, ”what with my gregarious niece and my too-attractive nurse, I think it's a good thing we're all going down to Wren's End, where the garden-walls are high and the garden fairly large.
Besides all that, there will be that dog with the teeth 'dead-level and big.'”
”Remember,” said Meg. ”He treated me like a princess always.”
It stands just beyond the village of Amber Guiting, on the side furthest from the station, which is a mile from the village.
”C. C. S. 1819” is carved above the front door, but the house was built a good fifty years previous to that date.
One Charles Considine Smith, who had been a s.h.i.+pper of sherry in Billiter Street, in the City of London, bought it in that year from a Quaker called Solomon Page, who planted the yew hedge that surrounds the smooth green lawn seen from the windows of the morning-room. There was a curious clause attached to the t.i.tle-deeds, which stipulated that no cats should be kept by the owner of Wren's End, lest they should interfere with the golden-crested wrens that built in the said yew hedge, or the brown wrens building at the foot of the hedges in the orchard. Appended to this injunction were the following verses:
If aught disturb the wrens that build, If ever little wren be killed By dweller in Wren's End--
Misfortunes--whence he shall not know-- Shall fall on him like noiseless snow, And all his steps attend.
Peace be upon this house; and all That dwell therein good luck befall, That do the wrens befriend.
Charles Considine Smith faithfully kept to his agreement regarding the protection of the wrens, and much later wrote a series of articles upon their habits, which appeared in the _North Cotswold Herald_. He seems to have been on friendly terms with Solomon Page, who, having inherited a larger property in the next county, removed thence when he sold Wren's End.
In 1824 Smith married Tranquil Page, daughter of Solomon. She was then thirty-seven years old, and, according to one of her husband's diaries, ”a staid person like myself.” She was twenty years younger than her husband and bore him one child, a daughter also named Tranquil.
She, however, appears to have been less staid than her parents, for she ran away before she was twenty with a Scottish advocate called James Ross.
The Smiths evidently forgave the wilful Tranquil, for, on the death of Charles, she and her husband left Scotland and settled with her mother at Wren's End. She had two children, Janet, the great-aunt who left Jan Wren's End, and James, Jan's grandfather, who was sent to Edinburgh for his education, and afterwards became a Writer to the Signet. He married and settled in Edinburgh, preferring Scotland to England, and it was with his knowledge and consent that Wren's End was left to his sister Janet.
Janet never married. She was energetic, prudent, and masterful, having an excellent head for business. She was kind to her nephews and nieces in a domineering sort of way, and had always a soft place in her heart for Anthony, though she regarded him as more or less of a scatter-brain.
When she was nearly eighty she commanded his little girls to visit her.
Jan was then fourteen and Fay eleven. She liked them because they had good manners and were neither of them in the least afraid of her. And at her death, six years later, she left Wren's End to Jan absolutely--as it stood; but she left her money to Anthony's elder brother, who had a large family and was not particularly well off.
That year was a good artistic year for Anthony, and he spent over five hundred pounds in--as he put it--”making Jan's house habitable.”
This proved not a bad investment, for they had let it every winter since to Colonel Walcote for the hunting season, as three packs of hounds met within easy reach of it; and although the stabling accommodation at Wren's End was but small, plenty of loose boxes were always obtainable from Farmer Burgess quite near.
Amber Guiting is a big village, almost a little town. It possesses an imposing main street wherein are several shops, among them a stationer's with a lending library in connection with Mudie's; a really beautiful old inn with a courtyard; and grave-looking, dignified houses occupied by the doctor, a solicitor, and several other persons of acknowledged gentility.
There were many ”nice places” round about, and altogether the inhabitants of Amber Guiting prided themselves, with some reason, on the social and aesthetic advantages of their neighbourhood. Moreover, it is not quite three hours from Paddington. You catch the express from the junction.
Notwithstanding all these agreeable circ.u.mstances, William Bloomsbury was very lonely and miserable.
All the friends he knew and loved had gone, leaving him in the somewhat stepmotherly charge of a caretaker from the village, who was supposed to be getting the house ready for its owner. To join her came Hannah--having left her young ladies with an ”orra-buddy” in the flat.
And after Hannah came the caretaker-lady did not stop long, for their ideas on the subject of cleanliness were diametrically opposed. Hannah was faithful and punctual as regarded William's meals; but though his body was more comfortable than during the caretaker's reign, his heart was empty and hungry, and he longed ardently for social intercourse and an occasional friendly pat.
Presently in Hannah's train came Anne Chitt, a meek young a.s.sistant from the village, who did occasionally gratify William's longing for a little attention; but so soon as she began to pat him and say he was a good dog, she was called away by Hannah to sweep or dust or wash something.
In William's opinion the whole house was a howling wilderness where pails of water easily upset, and brooms that fell upon the unsuspecting with resounding blows lay ambushed in unexpected places.