Part 10 (2/2)
In the measure that the tribes drew nearer to the place, their solemnity deepened.
At the extremity of the avenue, the three stones of the sacrificial altar were ranged in a semi-circle, close to the sh.o.r.e. Behind the ma.s.s of people rose the deep and brooding forest, before them extended the boundless sea, above them spread the starry firmament.
The tribes did not step beyond the last avenue of Karnak. They left a wide s.p.a.ce between themselves and the altar. The large crowd remained silent.
At the feet of the sacrificial stones rose three pyres.
The center one, the largest of the three, was ornamented with long white veils striped with purple; it was also ornamented with ash, oak and birch-tree branches, arranged in mystical order.
The pyre to the right was somewhat less high, but was also ornamented with green branches besides sheafs of wheat. On it lay the body of Armel, who had been killed in loyal combat. It was almost hidden under green and fruit-bearing boughs.
The left pyre was surmounted with a hollow bunch of twisted osiers bearing the resemblance of a human body of gigantic stature.
The sound of cymbals and harps was presently heard from the distance.
The male and female druids, together with the virgins of the Isle of Sen were approaching the sacrificial place.
At the head of the procession marched the bards, dressed in long white tunics that were held around their waists by bra.s.s belts; their temples were wreathed in oak leaves; they sang while playing upon their harps: ”G.o.d, Gaul and her heroes.”
They were followed by the ewaghs charged with the sacrifices, and carrying torches and axes; they led in their midst and in chains Daoulas, the murderer who was to be executed.
Behind these marched the druids themselves, clad in their purple-striped white robes, and their temples also wreathed in oak leaves. In their midst was Julyan, happy and proud; Julyan who was glad to leave this world in order to rejoin his friend Armel, and journey in his company over the unknown worlds.
Finally came the married female druids, clad in white tunics with gold belts, and the nine virgins of the Isle of Sen, clad in their black tunics, their belts of bra.s.s, their arms bare, their green chaplets and their gold harps. Hena walked at the head of the latter. Her eyes looked for her father, her mother and her relatives--Joel, Margarid and their family had been placed in the front rank of the crowd--they soon recognized their daughter; their hearts went out to her.
The druids ranked themselves beside the sacrificial stones. The bards ceased chanting. One of the ewaghs than said to the crowd, that all who wished to be remembered to people whom they had loved and who were no longer here, could deposit their letters and offering on the pyres.
A large number of relatives and friends of those who had long been traveling yonder, thereupon piously approached the pyres, and deposited letters, flowers and other souvenirs that were to re-appear in the other worlds, the same as the souls of the bodies that were about to dissolve in brilliant flames, were to re-appear in a new body.
n.o.body, however, not one single person, deposited aught on the pyre of the murderer. As proud and joyful as Julyan was, Daoulas was crestfallen and frightened. Julyan had everything to hope for from the continuance of a life that had been uniformly pure and just. The murderer had everything to fear from the continuance of a life that was stained with crime. After all the offerings for the departed ones were deposited on the pyres, a profound silence followed.
The ewaghs led Daoulas in chains to the osier effigy. Despite the pitiful cries of the condemned man, he was pinioned and placed at the foot of the pyre, and the ewaghs remained near him, axes in hand.
Talyessin, the oldest of all the druids, an old man with long white beard, made a sign to one of the bards, who thereupon struck his three-stringed harp and intonated the following chant, after pointing to the murderer:
”This man is of the tribe of Morlech. He killed Houarne of the same tribe. Did he kill him, like a brave man face to face with equal weapons? No, Daoulas killed Houarne like a coward. At the noon hour, Houarne was asleep under a tree. Daoulas approached him on tiptoe, axe in hand and killed his victim with one blow. Little Erick of the same tribe, who happened to be in a near-by tree picking fruit, saw the murder and him who committed it. On the evening of the same day the ewaghs seized Daoulas in his tribe. Brought before the druids of Karnak and confronted by Erick, he confessed his crime. Whereupon the oldest of the druids said:
”'In the name of Hesus, _He who is because he is_, in the name of Teutates, who presides over journeys in this world and in the others, hear: The expiatory blood of the murderer is agreeable to Hesus.... You are about to be born again in other worlds. Your new life will be terrible, because you were cruel and cowardly.... You will die to be re-born in still greater wretchedness forever and ever through all eternity.... Become, on the contrary, from the moment that you are re-born, brave and good, despite the sufferings that you will endure and you will then die happy, to be re-born yonder, thus forever and ever, through all eternity!!!'”
The bard then addressed himself to the murderer, who emitted fearful cries of terror.
Thus spoke the venerable druid: ”Daoulas, you are about to die ... and to meet your victim.... _He is waiting for you, he is waiting for you!_”
When the bard p.r.o.nounced these words, a shudder went through the a.s.sembled crowd. The fearful thought of meeting in the next world alive him who was killed in this made them all tremble.