Part 18 (1/2)
”What's 'minx'?” Frank asked her sister, as they toiled up toward town again.
”Oh, it's a wild animal,” answered Bep, readily; ”but she don't know how to say it. She's going to have bad luck, though; anybody can tell that by the way she walked under that ladder. I shouldn't be a bit surprised if every last one of her children gets the whooping-cough!”
And Frank felt sorry for the Graysons. For she was sure that Bep knew whereof she spoke. She knew the laws of the superst.i.tious country in which she dwelt, did Bep: a country where if you sing before you eat, you're bound to cry before you sleep; where, if you put your corset-waist on wrong side out, and are hardy enough to change it, you deserve what you're likely to get; where no sane girl will tempt Providence by walking on a crack; where, if you lose something, you have only to spit in the palm of your hand,--if you're dowered in the matter of saliva,--strike the tiny pool sharply, and say:
”Spit, spit, spider!
If you show me where my pencil is I'll give you a keg of cider!”
Then note the direction which the escaping particles of saliva take, and there you are! or, rather, there it is--the lost article.
Or there it ought to be, unless you have been guilty of some inexcusable act, such as omitting to wish at the very instant a star is falling, or the first time you taste each new fruit in season, or if you have forgotten to say:
”Star light, star bright, First star I've seen to-night, I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish to-night!”
It was Bep who taught Frank to count white horses; to pick up a pin when its head was turned toward her, to let it lie when it pointed the other way; to bite the tea-grounds left in a cup, and declare gravely, if soft, that a female visitor might be expected, and, if hard, a male; never to cut friends.h.i.+p by giving or accepting a knife, a pin--indeed, anything sharp; and never, by any chance, to tempt the devil of bad luck by going out of a house by a different door than that by which she had entered.
The versatile Frank was most teachable. When Bep was ”collecting bows,”
Frances would obligingly bow and bob for her minutes at a time, like a Chinese mandarin, or like some small priestess observing a solemn rite.
What the Bad Luck was, the terrible alternative of all these precautions, poor Frank could form no idea. But she had come to a.s.sociate it with the babbling tank, which seemed at night, when all was still, to be gurgling, ”Bad Luck--Bad Luck!” threateningly at her.
Then she would go over her conduct during the day, carefully scrutinizing her every action that might have given this chuckling Bad Luck a hold over her.
Not a crack had been stepped on that she could remember; not a pin picked up that should have been let lie; not--
The scream that burst from Frances one Sunday night during this self-catechism brought Madigan and all the family to her bedside.
”What is it--what is it, child?” demanded her father.
And Frank repeated like a Maeterlinck or a bobolink, holding up a shaking small hand whose nails Aunt Anne had trimmed that very morning:
”Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday the best day of all.
Thursday for cwosses, Fwiday for losses-- no day at all.
And better the child had never been bawn That pared its nails on a Sunday mawn!”
”And fa-ther tooked Bep,” remarked Frank the next day, the light of desire fulfilled in her eye, ”and he said 'You ox!' and smacked her wif two fingers!”
Miss Madigan, who was a congenital sentimentalist, her tendency confirmed by a long course of novel-reading, would have loved a female Fauntleroy, and hoped to find it in each of her brother's children in turn--only to be bitterly disappointed when they came to an expressing age.
It occurred to her once to satisfy her maternal cravings--so perversely left ungratified amid much material that lacked mothering--with an imported angel-child. She chose Bombey Forrest's three-year-old brother for the purpose; a small manikin manufactured according to recipe by his mother, whom he had been taught to call ”Dear-rust” in imitation of his pernicious progenitor; whose curls were as long, whose trousers were as short, whose collars were as big, whose sashes were as flaunting as feminine folly could make them.
The Madigans hailed his advent with delight the night he was loaned to their aunt, in their mistaken glee fancying his visit was to themselves.
Miss Madigan soon undeceived them. At table he sat next to that devoted lady, who heaped the choicest bits upon his plate of a menu which had been ordered solely with regard to infantile tastes. Afterward this maiden lady (whose genius for mothering cruel fate had condemned to waste its sweetness upon half a dozen mere Madigans) built card houses for her borrowed baby, read him the nursery rhymes that Sissy used to tell to Frances, confiscated Fom's Dora for his pleasure, and Split's book of interiors made of ill.u.s.trated advertis.e.m.e.nts of furniture, which she had cut out and arranged tastefully upon a tissue-paper background.
She dangled her old-fas.h.i.+oned enameled watch before his jaded eyes, and even permitted him to hold Dusie, the canary, who pecked furiously at the presuming hand that detained her.
At this the borrowed baby set up a howl of alarm, whereupon he was given Sissy's jackstones--not altogether to that young lady's sorrow, for at that moment Split was collecting a cruel pinch or bestowing a stinging slap for every point in the game she had just won.