Part 12 (1/2)

Heated Rush Leslie Kelly 62260K 2022-07-22

”I want to see you,” she whispered.

He wrapped his hands in her hair.

”Taste you.”

The hands tightened.

”Swallow you.”

”G.o.d in heaven,” he groaned.

Finally, knowing she was close to forgetting that d.a.m.ned window again, she rose to her feet. Her fingers laced in his, Annie tugged him with her and hurried back to her office. She'd barely made it through the door when he was on her again, spinning her around and clenching her in his arms. His mouth was ravenous against hers as his tongue plunged deep.

His s.h.i.+rt came off easily between one kiss and the next.

Hers did, too, between one rough caress and the next.

He cupped her face as he pressed a hot kiss on the side of her neck. ”It's too dark in here.”

Stepping away, she reached for the desk lamp, flipping a switch. Suddenly a warm pool of yellow light banished the blackness and they took the opportunity to devour one another with their eyes.

They stood a foot apart, and for a long moment, neither of them spoke. Annie doubted, however, that the man had been struck dumb at the sight of her, as she'd been by him. Especially because he'd seen just about every single bit of it the night before at her apartment.

She hadn't seen him, though. And he took her breath away. Because she didn't think she'd ever beheld anything more perfectly constructed.

It was no wonder his tux had looked tailor-made, because she didn't imagine any off-the-rack size would ever work on the man. Not with the contrast between those strong, thick-muscled shoulders, that broad chest, the slim waist and his lean hips.

A spa.r.s.e whorl of dark, crisp hair highlighted the ridges of muscle beneath his skin, and emphasized the flatness of his stomach as it trailed in a thin line down into his pants. And the man didn't have a six-pack, it had to be at least a twelve.

”What on earth are you you doing with doing with me? me?” she whispered.

He tsked and shook his head, his gaze locked on her body, heat and appreciation s.h.i.+ning from his eyes. ”You truly have no idea of your own appeal, do you?”

Lifting one strong hand, he touched her cheek, then stared down at her body. ”You are incredibly beautiful,” he whispered. ”So feminine and delicate.”

Annie didn't usually feel feminine and delicate. She reserved those descriptions for pet.i.te females-which she wasn't. Of average height, she had never been the type of woman men towered over. But her wrist had seemed tiny in his big hand, her waist slender when wrapped in his strong arms.

Her s.e.x small and tight around his thick fingers.

”You are everything a woman should be,” he murmured, still staring at her.

Her white bra was lacy and pretty, but certainly didn't produce miraculous curves she simply did not possess. Yet he looked at her as if she was woman incarnate. Like he'd die if he didn't get to touch her, taste her.

He confirmed it by lifting her and depositing her right on top of her desk, spreading her thighs so he could step between them. She spared one moment to be grateful that she was impeccably neat and kept almost nothing on top of the big oak surface, then got right back into the moment, tugged there by the need in his voice.

”I could spend hours telling you how attracted I am to you, how much I want you,” he admitted as he kissed his way down her neck, ”but I'd rather just have have you instead.” you instead.”

Annie could only moan when he reached around to unfasten her bra, tugging it off her. The dark appreciation in his eyes spoke volumes, told her all the things he hadn't said.

Yes, his way of communicating was very very effective. Because judging by that heat, by his ragged breathing, the flexing of muscle in his chest and arms, and that immense ridge in his trousers, he wanted her effective. Because judging by that heat, by his ragged breathing, the flexing of muscle in his chest and arms, and that immense ridge in his trousers, he wanted her desperately desperately.

He wasn't as wild and unrestrained as he'd been in the other room...but Annie couldn't even think to complain. Not when his mouth felt so good, his lips and tongue tasting a trail across the curve of one breast, then over to the other.

”Please,” she whimpered as he continued to avoid her sensitized nipples. They were hard and tilted up toward his mouth in blatant invitation. Yet he didn't give her what she needed, only letting his warm breaths occasionally graze across them.

Annie tightened her legs around his, tugging him closer and sliding against him, up and down, tormenting both of them through their clothes.

”Annie...” he growled.

”Give me what I want and I'll show mercy,” she said, dropping her head back until her hair brushed the surface of the desk.

He did, finally covering her nipple and sucking hard. The sensation ignited an invisible power cord inside Annie and she gasped at the power of it. The deliciously ruthless suckling on her breast sent jolt after jolt of pleasure through her body, to land right at the pulsing spot between her legs.

Crying out, she jerked against him, making a liar of herself. Because there was not one ounce of mercy in the wild gyrations of her hips, in the taunting way she rode him. She took mindless pleasure from his rigid c.o.c.k in the only way she could get it, given their state of dress.

”Annie,” he groaned. he groaned.

She wound her hands in his hair, tugging him up so she could see those incredible eyes. ”Take me, Sean. Now Now.” Catching his mouth with hers, she thrust her tongue between his lips and set the hard, pulsing rhythm she wanted him to take up inside her.

”You drive me crazy,” he muttered, all resistance disappearing as he thrust against her. He reached for his belt and quickly unfastened it. ”Insane.” The trousers went down to his hips. ”Wild.” His dark, form-fitting briefs followed. ”Mad.”

Annie bit her lip when she saw the big, hard ridge of heat that was about to fill her. She'd had well-built lovers, but none had ever instilled such immediate, greedy l.u.s.t, so that all other thought, all inhibition completely disappeared.

Shaking in antic.i.p.ation, she couldn't keep her hands steady enough to push her own unfastened pants down. Sean quickly did it for her, tugging them-and her tiny panties-off as she lifted her hips from the surface of the desk.

Annie toed her shoes off and kicked her clothes to the floor, then realized Sean was staring down at her, a predatory smile on his sensual mouth.

”I intend to thoroughly explore that beautiful spot,” he said, not taking his eyes off her glistening s.e.x, parted and waiting for him. ”Later.”

The promise was enough to make her rethink her demands that he take her now. Because a thorough exploration of her most sensitive parts from that incredible mouth, that amazing tongue, suddenly sounded like pure heaven.

Then she caught sight of the erection he was covering with a condom he'd produced from his pants pocket. And she licked her lips, knowing what she most wanted right now.

To be completely filled by him.

She wrapped her bare legs around his lean hips, loving the sensation of his rougher skin, the wiry hair of his legs against her smooth inner thighs. Then she tugged him back where she wanted him.

This time, though, he was the one who showed no mercy. Because instead of plunging into her, he slid his erection against the outside lips of her s.e.x. Riding up and down, he drenched himself with her body's moisture, pa.s.sing that ridge of heat over her c.l.i.t until she could hardly breathe.

”Sean!” She arched up, demanding penetration.

He didn't tease her any longer, and she wondered how much effort it had cost him to drag out those intense moments of antic.i.p.ation.

”I know,” he muttered.

Then he thrust hard, burying himself inside her. Annie jerked, so deeply penetrated she instinctively slid back on the desk.

”Yes,” she cried, falling completely back to lie flat, lacking the strength to even hold herself up. Every bit of energy she had was focused deep inside her, where this incredible man was imprinting himself with hard, slow thrusts.