Part 20 (1/2)

”Uh-huh.” She nodded. ”Hey, have you noticed anything weird about Scott Peltier lately?”

”Eos's president? Not really. But he's a whole lotta rungs higher on the corporate ladder than me. I don't interact much with him unless it's for a specific project. Why do you ask?”

”Can't put my finger on it. I've interviewed him before, on the desalinization project. Today, he just seemed...different.” She shook off the feeling of oddness that had blanketed her since the press conference. ”What do you think about the expansion plans?”

Ian furrowed his dark blond brows and scratched his chin. ”It doesn't make much sense, if you ask me.”

”Really? Why not?”

”Off the record?”

She nodded, eager to hear his take on the proposed merger.

”The changes will lead us in a different direction than what has been mandated by our Board of Directors. Our focus has been on helping third world countries achieve the necessities to development. It's written into our mission statement. But the new direction seems to be focused more on corporate profits than the altruistic nature prescribed by our ongoing R and D.”

”Hey!” Lia interrupted as she plopped down to the gra.s.s next to Polly's chair. She swilled her orange soda. ”No shop talk.” The small bag of chips she held crinkled as she ripped it open.

Aerie drifted to the ground next to Lia. ”She's right, you two should be talking about something else.”

Like how fast you can get this man's clothes off. He's hot. Aerie projected her voice directly into Polly's head, the thought tickling her brain. Aerie always chose non-verbal communication when she played matchmaker for her sisters. Always had. Polly spared a glance at Ian, judging Aerie's words as truth.

”We're not talking about work,” Ian protested. He winked at Polly. ”We're discussing the difference between altruism and corporate greed.”

Lia screwed up her face, squinting at Ian. ”Sounds suspiciously like work to me.”

”Come on, Lia. The announcement from Eos will impact the Greek Chorus as well.” Polly mentioned her sister's comedy club. ”More employees for Ian's company equals more people living in town. More citizens...more business for you. More business, more money in your pocket.”

”Maybe. But if the move isn't right for Delphi then I'm not greedy enough to want them to take that step. I love our little town just the size it is.” Lia drew her knee up and rested her arm on it. She glanced from Polly to Ian and back. ”If you have to discuss work, why don't you and Ian take out one of the paddle boats and keep all the gruesome business talk away from the rest of us whose only aim is to have fun.”

”Great idea, Lia.” Ian jumped up and extended his hand to Polly. ”Once I get you isolated on the water, I can bore you with all the crazy baseball stats I know.”

”You know that isn't really an enticement to get in a boat with you, right?” Polly laughed and accepted his hand.

Aerie pursed her lips at Ian, as if blowing him a kiss. Polly knew her sister, the Muse of Love, had nudged the man. Polly held her breath, waiting for his response.

”Would it work better if I agree to talk dirty to you?” He laughed, but Polly caught a gleam in his eye, as if he was sincere about the offer. She bit her lip and raised an eyebrow in Aerie's direction.

But, d.a.m.n...the idea sent squiggles of delight straight up her torso. Good G.o.ddess, they'd been friends for a couple of years. But she'd be lying if she claimed she'd never hoped he'd be interested in her that way.

She was saved from responding when he sauntered away toward the boat dock on the other side of the picnic pavilion. He stopped about ten feet away and twisted to look over his shoulder, one brow raised.

”You better catch up,” Lia prompted. ”You wouldn't want to miss any of his s.m.u.tty talk. He probably has a Ph.D in that as well as science.”