Part 9 (1/2)

”I offered her some work,” continued Josephine, ”but I guess you keep her too busy down there for her to do anything else.”

”Probably,” said Norman. ”Why do you sit on the other side of the room?”

”Oh, I don't know,” laughed Josephine. ”I feel queer to-night. And it seems to me you're queer, too.”

”I? Perhaps rather tired, dear--that's all.”

”Did you and Miss Hallowell work hard to-day?”

”Oh, bother Miss Hallowell. Let's talk about ourselves.” And he drew her to the sofa at one end of the big fireplace. ”I wish we hadn't set the wedding so far off.” And suddenly he found himself wondering whether that remark had been prompted by eagerness--a lover's eagerness--or by impatience to have the business over and settled.

”You don't act a bit natural to-night, Fred. You touch me as if I were a stranger.”

”I like that!” mocked he. ”A stranger hold your hand like this?--and--kiss you--like this?”

She drew away, suddenly laid her hands on his shoulders, kissed him upon the lips pa.s.sionately, then looked into his eyes. ”_Do_ you love me, Fred?--_really_?”

”Why so earnest?”

”You've had a great deal of experience?”

”More or less.”

”Have you ever loved any woman as you love me?”

”I've never loved any woman but you. I never before wanted to marry a woman.”

”But you may be doing it because--well, you might be tired and want to settle down.”

”Do you believe that?”

”No, I don't. But I want to hear you say it isn't so.”

”Well--it isn't so. Are you satisfied?”

”I'm frightfully jealous of you, Fred.”

”What a waste of time!”

”I've got something to confess--something I'm ashamed of.”

”Don't confess,” cried he, laughing but showing that he meant it.

”Just--don't be wicked again That's much better than confession.”

”But I must confess,” insisted she. ”I had evil thoughts evil suspicions about you. I've had them all day--until you came. As soon as I saw you I felt bowed into the dust. A man like you, doing anything so vulgar as I suspected you of--oh, dearest, I'm _so_ ashamed!”

He put his arms round her and drew her to his shoulder. And the scene of mimicry in his office flashed into his mind, and the blood burned in his cheeks. But he had no such access of insanity as to entertain the idea of confession.

”It was that typewriter girl,” continued Josephine. She drew away again and once more searched his face. ”You told me she was homely.”

”Not exactly that.”