Chapter 310 - A Whole New Direction! (1/2)
In the office…
His intention was to ask everyone to slack more and work less. Now, people were taking his words as an encouragement to work harder! What’s more, it looked like they really were going to do so! Reading his employees’ promises to ‘take care of their bodies’, ‘be more professional’ and ‘fight harder for Tengda’ exhausted Pei Qian.
He wanted to reply with a few sentences, and yet he had no idea what to say.
Forget it, I’ll leave it…
As long as he had typed what he meant, it would be alright. At least a portion of his employees would understand the letter and relax, right?
Pei Qian retrieved his little notebook and prepared to plan for the next cycle’s jobs.
Although this cycle would be quite longabout five months, he had drunk poison to quench his thirst during the last cycle. That depleted his potential to incur losses during this cycle. Pei Qian expected his various businesses to generate much more revenue this month.
He did not want to be rendered helpless just before the next settlement. Thus, Pei Qian had to make the necessary preparations now and come up with a good plan.
He had to do all that he could to get rid of all hidden danger before they germinated!
Pei Qian pondered for a moment and realized that the first thing that he had to attend to was Lin Wan and Shang Yang Games.
Pei Qian had already agreed to work with Lin Chang and Lin Yu earlier, and they had come up with a plan to send Lin Wan away. Pei Qian decided to put Lin Wan in charge of a new business while she looked after Shang Yang Games.
That way, Lin Wan would be distracted and overwhelmed. Her chances of failure would thus increase greatly.
Shang Yang Games had just moved into a new office building recently. The employees were also enjoying maximum benefits. They were being treated on par with Tengda Games’ employees, and their daily expenses had greatly increased as well. If the new game and new business incurred losses—not only would they lose all the money earned by the mobile version of Bloody Battle Song, but they would also be able to spend some of Tengda’s money. Just thinking about this exciting prospect filled Pei Qian with hope! Lin Wan had just produced a very successful game; she was still feeling extremely proud of herself.
Men were most easily hoodwinked while they were proud.
Pei Qian quickly came up with a plan to deal with Lin Wan and Shang Yang Games. After coming up with a general direction, he called his chauffeur and arranged to be sent to Shang Yang Games’ new office.
In the guest room…
The new administrative girl that Shang Yang Games hired served tea to both people. Lin Wan sat opposite Pei Qian, looking very content and hopeful. Obviously, she could hardly wait to start working on the next game. After seeing how contented Lin Wan looked, Pei Qian could not help but feel sorrowful.
How did things come to this…?
At the end of the day, Lin Yu is to blame! It was my bad luck meeting these lousy teammates! I must learn from my lessons and stop producing mobile games! Pei Qian inwardly made up his mind.
Lin Wan sipped her tea and said, “Boss Pei, the working environment in the office is not bad now. Everybody has a renewed fighting spirit.
“After a good rest, everybody can’t wait to jump into the next project.
“I have to say that your internal letter was extremely well-written. You rekindled the employees’ fighting spirit but allowed everyone to feel your warm care and concern for them at the same time.
“You had everything all thought out!”
The corners of Pei Qian’s mouth twitched as he held onto his cup of tea.
Stop talking about the internal letter! What I wanted to say was completely different from what you understood!
He started to say something in response but stopped himself in the end.
Forget it, there’s no point arguing about this.
However, from Lin Wan’s state, Pei Qian could tell that the situation in Shang Yang Games was similar to what he expected.
To put it nicely, she had a high fighting spirit. However, to put it bluntly, she was inflated. Since she was inflated, Boss Pei could expect a much easier time assigning her the new task.
Pei Qian sipped his tea, maintaining a calm and nonchalant expression. “The new game? There’s no rush for that. We can think about it a bit more before we get started.
“Do you have any good ideas?”.
Obviously, Lin Wan had expected Boss Pei to ask her this question. She had a well-prepared answer. “Yes! I was discussing with Ye Zhizhou and Wang Xiaobin about it. We all think that we should continue producing elite mobile games following the success of Bloody Battle Song’s mobile version.
“At the moment, the mobile version of Bloody Battle Song is earning four or five million yuan a month. It also has an overall rating of 8.9 on TPDb. We’re hoping that the next mobile game will earn more than ten million yuan each month and achieve an overall rating above 9.5!” The hand that Pei Qian was using to hold his teacup shook furiously.
It’s a good thing to have goals, but you have to stop telling me such horrifying things! Pei Qian remained silent for a moment.
“…I remember that Wang Xiaobin wanted to do standalone games.”
Before deciding to create Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version, Pei Qian conducted a simple ballot. He made each of Shang Yang Games’ employees come up with a plan and then randomly chose one to work on among them all.
He remembered that Wang Xiaobin had proposed a standalone game that did not desire to gain credit but merely hoped not to make any mistakes.
At the time, Pei Qian had thought that the standalone game’s lower limit was not low enough. Although there was a possibility that such a game would fail, the chances of failure were not as high as Bloody Battle Song: The Powerful Version.
That was why he did not select it.
Yet, now, Pei Qian was beginning to regret his decision.
If it was possible, Pei Qian did not mind mending the pen after losing the sheep. He could retrieve the standalone game’s proposal and make it Shang Yang Games’s new project.
Lin Wan smiled. “That’s right. Wang Xiaobin did want to do standalone games. However, I remember Boss Pei commenting that the game was too conservative and mediocre. It was not creative enough.”
Pei Qian cleared his throat. “That was then, and now is now. I’m hoping to make some adjustments to his proposal in order to make it more ‘special’. That proposal was not bad, to tell you the truth.”