Chapter 295 - Boss Pei, You will be Personally Rewarded with a Hundred Thousand Yuan (1/2)
The lead designer of Tengda Games, Boss Pei, wanted very badly to turn the official platform down.
The official platform wants an exclusive interview with me to find out about my thought process behind the creation of my games?
My thought process has been ‘I’m so miserable’!
Every single game I created turned out to be a success. Why is it so difficult to create a loss-incurring game?
Pei Qian was afraid that the official platform would raise many problems with Game Designer and Repent and be Saved. That would be akin to flogging a corpse and re-opening Boss Pei’s old wounds. That would be too difficult to tolerate!
What’s more, wouldn’t an exclusive interview serve to market the games even more? Wouldn’t it drive more players to buy Tengda’s games?
Pei Qian instinctively tried to turn down the opportunity.
Assistant Xin remained silent for a moment and then tried to persuade him. “I think… you should at least turn up.
“It’s an exclusive interview with the official platform after all. Other ordinary game companies can only dream of such an opportunity.
“Until now, the official platform has offered a lot of support to our company as well. I think we have to reciprocate with a certain level of respect.”
For some reason, Pei Qian felt like a pupil who was being persuaded to go to class. Just talking about the support that the official platform had lent Tengda got Pei Qian mad.
Is that what you call support?!
It’s one thing to give me recommendation spots even though I didn’t ask for them, but they even wrote a special recommendation and praised the game to no end after that! Not only were the customers misled, but the official platform even gave Tengda seventy percent of the profits!
This cost Boss Pei a lot every single time.
If the official platform had not created so many problems, would Boss Pei have had to think about how to incur losses even while he was sick?!
Pei Qian pondered for a moment and asked, “If I don’t go, will the official platform send someone to assassinate me?
“Would they stop giving Tengda recommendation spots? Would they split the profits evenly instead of giving us seventy percent?”
Assistant Xin was speechless. “I don’t think they would go to that extent.”
They wouldn’t assassinate me, would they? That’s a pity!
Pei Qian thought hard. If he showed disrespect to the official platform, perhaps he would get fewer recommendation spots in the future.
Assistant Xin spoke again. “They already said it would be a simple chat. They won’t take up too much of your time.
“Since that’s the case, why not just help them out?”
Pei Qian was speechless. “…”
Assistant Xin continued, “That’s right, they’ll also take the chance to give Tengda an official trophy to recognize our company’s contribution to the creation of novel games.”
Pei Qian was speechless. “…”
“They’ll also give you a personal reward to recognize your outstanding results as a game designer. That’s a hundred thousand yuan in cash.
“Of course, it’s not much, but the most important thing is—”. “Send them over!” Pei Qian interrupted Assistant Xin.
“Huh?” Assistant Xin was shocked. She did not expect Boss Pei’s attitude to take a 180-degree turn.
He had just turned her down unconditionally. Had he changed his mind in the blink of an eye? Pei Qian cleared his throat. “I pondered over it. I really should agree to the interview.
“This is mainly because the honor is not only mine. The hard work of all of Tengda’s employees should be recognized. Although I’m extremely busy and uninterested in being recognized in such ways, this is an opportunity for my employees to be rewarded.
“For them, I shall agree to the interview.” Pei Qian spoke righteously.
“Yes, yes. Boss Pei, you are right.” Assistant Xin sounded approving. “After all, not everyone is indifferent to worldly rewards like you are. You should accept these rewards if they’re offered to you.”
Pei Qian pondered for a moment and asked, “How many reporters will there be?” Assistant Xin replied, “It hasn’t been confirmed. I think it depends on the scale of the interview. If they’re only coming up with one manuscript, one reporter should be enough. If they’re producing a video, there would be at least one videographer.
“There aren’t any hard and fast rules. I think it’s mainly up to us to decide how many people should come over and how many days the interview should last for.”
Pei Qian nodded and said, “Alright.
“Since the official platform is showing us so much respect, we’ll treat them as well as we can! Ask them to bring an entourage to Jingzhou. We’ll cover all of their costs.”
Assistant Xin asked, “Including their accommodation and food?”
Pei Qian nodded and said, “Yes, and their air tickets. They’re coming all this way for an interview. We have to host them properly and cover all the expenses.”
Assistant Xin did not ask any more questions. “Alright, Boss Pei. I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”
Boss Pei had intended to turn down the interview, but that was because he did not expect the sly official platform to have prepared a personal reward!
Of course, a hundred thousand yuan was not much to Boss Pei, but… it was not little either!
What’s more, Pei Qian suddenly realized there was an opportunity to spend money here. Since he had already decided to quench his thirst with poison before settlement, he could go one step further. He could spend a sum of money by hosting the official platform’s reporters well. He could pay for their air tickets, their accommodation, and their food and drinks. He could even bring them to Ming Yun Private Kitchen for a meal.
Of course, this could backfire on Pei Qian. For instance… the official platform could like him all the more. They could frame the interview in such a way as to increase sales for the games.
However, Pei Qian had already thought about a counter-plan.
He could say some cold, hard truths during the interview to burst the players’ bubbles. This could become a topic of debate and negatively impact the games’ sales.