Part 2 (1/2)

Gypsy Nights Mandy M. Roth 66130K 2022-07-22

Sebastian put his lips above her bleeding hand and let the coopery smell of her blood seep into him. ”Thinking of you should not be a problem.” Working his tongue into her cut, he slid it around, sucking gently as he went. He could taste her power, magic, and most of all her desire for him. Visions of Tawni's last words and of Gitana talking with her grandmother hit him. In his mind, he saw a pet.i.te older woman who looked a little like Gitana smiling as she told a tiny dark-haired child of her future.

”You will love a mullo, he will give you the gift of a child, and the two of you will raise a future ruler,” the older woman said.

The little girl smiled up at the woman. ”Yes, grandma.”

Sebastian's eyes flickered open, and he found that he was planting tiny kisses on Gitana's healed hand. He looked up into her dark eyes and dreaded the fact that he had to clear something up for her. Lying to her was not an option.

”I am not the mullo that your grandmother told you about. I can't be. Vampires cannot reproduce, at least not vampires that are as old as I am.”

She put her finger to his lips. ”Shh, don't worry about things we can't control. The attraction is here and it's real. Forget about prophecies and make love to me.”

His c.o.c.k instantly hardened. Of course, he would make love to her. He just didn't want her to have false hopes about who he was. He wondered why Twani had told him that he was the one for Gitana when she knew he was a vampire and that vampires couldn't reproduce. Gitana's slid her hands into his s.h.i.+rt and he stopped caring about anything other than this moment.

Gitana worked his s.h.i.+rt open and ran her warm fingers over his hard chest. He managed to ease her blouse off her and stood back for a moment to soak in her beauty. She was perfect, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s perfectly proportioned to her frame, her nipples dark and calling to him. Bending his head down, he drew one into his mouth. He rolled it around in his mouth, taking pleasure in her sweet tasting berry. Her fingers laced in his hair and then moved down his back, taking his s.h.i.+rt with them.Gitana lingered over the scars on his back. Her tiny fingers worked their way over each section of raised skin. ”Who did this to you?”

He didn't want to answer her, wanting onlt to feel her smooth skin and be allowed to take pleasure in her warm body. Gitana leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his ear. ”Who would do such a thing to you, and why?”

Sebastian moved his hands up, cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently. Running his thumbs over her erect nipples, he took in the scent of her cream. Knowing that he was what made her wet only served as encouragement. Caught up in the moment, he gave into her questions. ”My old master had me whipped for disobeying him.”

”What did you do?”

”I saved an infant's life and tried to save her mother's, too.”

”I hardly think that deserves punishment.”

He didn't want to talk about this with her. If she had any idea what other horrible tortures he'd been subject to, she would never touch him again. The horrors in the months surrounding her birth were too painful for him to think about.

Gitana tugged at his earlobe and sent a wave of l.u.s.t running through his body. ”Saving an infant's life ent.i.tles you to a reward,” she said in a sultry voice. Her fingers slid into the top of his pants, caressing the line of black hair that ran from his navel to his groin.

She freed him from the confines of his pants, letting them slide down his body. Her warm fingers wrapped around his cool c.o.c.k and he tipped his head back, savoring the moment he'd always dreamed of.


”What would take the pain out of your eyes?”

Until Gitana had spoken, he'd never realized that he still carried the hurt of that night with him. The torture at the hands of his old master was secondary to the grief he felt for not staying with Tawni.

”You,” he said, kissing her dark hair out of her face. ”You could make it all go away.” He moved her long skirt up her silky legs.

”What do you want?”

”Je veux faire l'amour avec toi.”

He moved his hands up and found the center of her world. His fingers glided over the tiny patch of dark curls that hid the wonders of her body. He let his finger run over her swollen mound and felt her writhe under his delicate touch. He slid his middle finger into her wet entrance and found the hot paradise that he longed to be in. She contracted around his finger, almost virgin-like from not having s.e.x with a man in over two years. He eased her open more with a second finger. Hot juice flowed over his hand, and he used it to wet his thumb as he stimulated her c.l.i.t.

Gitana grabbed onto Sebastian's upper arms to stay upright. Her stomach tightened as he brought her within inches of her climax.

As good as it felt, she wanted more. She wanted to feel what it was like to have the length of his pale rod deep within her. She tried to get Sebastian to stop, but his fingers started to swirl, working her to the point that she could stand it no longer. Her legs shook as the o.r.g.a.s.m swept over her. She pulled her body closer to his and watched dreamily as he pulled his finger from her p.u.s.s.y to his mouth, taking with him a string of her c.u.m.Sebastian licked his fingers clean, reached down, grasped his c.o.c.k, and brought it to her entrance. The mushroom-shaped head of his shaft pushed against her but did not enter. His lips met hers, and she savored the taste of her s.e.x on his mouth. She opened her mouth to him and, as his tongue dove in, so did he. She cried out as his girth spread her open. In one fluid movement he was sheathed deep inside her, tearing at her, pulling her to the point that pleasure and pain blurred, leaving only pa.s.sion.

Tugging on her hips, he brought her body to the edge of the table, allowing him to dig even deeper. She cried out and reached for anything that would help her focus on the pleasure instead of the pain. Sebastian's hands found hers and their fingers intertwined.

This simple act of holding hands was more intimate than any other level of s.e.x, and it was just what she needed to be able to focus on him.

Sebastian brought her hands up and put them behind his head. She laced her fingers together and held tight as he rode her body.

The table shook, plants tipped over and off the high countertop. Gitana didn't care. She'd give up anything to have Sebastian with her, even if that meant giving up her destiny, her mullo. Sebastian felt right--to h.e.l.l with fate.

Looking up into his blue eyes, she watched as another flash of lightning illuminated his pale face. His rhythm slowed almost to a complete stop, and he glanced past her. She tried to follow his gaze but he caught her chin in his hand and brought her lips to his.

Sebastian kept Gitana's mouth occupied while he looked out at the shadow that loomed in the distance, along the edge of the tree line. He could smell the scent of the wolf and sense the hatred coming from the figure. He had little doubt that the visitor was Aaron, Gitana's ex-husband.

”Bastian?” Gitana said his name, or the shortened version of it, with so much love and concern that he almost forgot about their visitor.

Glancing back up, he sensed the alpha in the man, and wanted to show him who was truly the dominant male in this situation.

Sebastian concentrated on his thrusts, easing his c.o.c.k in and out of her tight silk binding. She felt so good, better than he could have ever dreamt. Each movement, each connection forged an even greater bond between them. Her channel fisted him, gripping his c.o.c.k tightly.


Gitana's body prepared to climax again. The feel of her legs tightening around him and her increased moans threatened to make him explode. He knew that he should stop making love to her, but every fiber of his being wanted to stay in her, rooted deep. In addition to that, their late-night visitor needed to know that Gitana was not only under his protection, but was also his mate.

Gitana's tossed her head back. ”Do it,” she said in a low sultry voice. He didn't need to ask what she meant--he could read her thoughts. She wanted him to make her into a vampire too.

He kissed her neck softly and her p.u.s.s.y constricted around him, milking him. A sharp pain tore through his chest and lost his rhythm, his control. His b.a.l.l.s moved up, his c.o.c.k twitched, shooting forth his seed. Shaking, he filled her with his come, his essence, his love.


He looked off into the distance and saw the shadowy figure receding into the night.

Aaron watched from the edge of the property as the vampire f.u.c.ked his wife. He didn't care that the law said they were divorced.

Gitana would always be his. He couldn't believe that she'd let that corpse have his way with her. His fists burned for the change, but if he let himself s.h.i.+ft this close to the full moon, then he wouldn't be able to return to human form for several days, and he needed to be able to function to do what needed to be done.