Part 14 (2/2)
MADGE. (_In a bereaved tone, offering her a cup of tea_) Celia, dear, have some tea?
(FARADAY _goes up and around to back_, R.C.)
CELIA. No, thanks, Madge. I've been having tea with the d.u.c.h.ess. Oh, how do you do, Admiral. (_Shaking hands across table with_ GRICE) You don't know how I'm looking forward to your dinner party to-night.
(_Sits_ L. _of table_ L., _unwrapping two small parcels and placing tissue paper on book slide_.)
GRICE. (_Very gloomily_) It was a good dinner. I suppose that now----
(FARADAY _coughs and all in a strained whisper say, ”Admiral!”_)
TARVER. (_Rising and coming_ C.) Did you manage to catch Wilson?
(TARVER'S _question shocks all_.)
PHYLLIS. (_Trying to hush him_) Bobby!
EVELYN. (_In a hoa.r.s.e whisper_) Just at this time, too.
CELIA. No, Bobby, he was out; but see what I brought you--some throat lozenges and a box to keep them in.
TARVER. (_Comes to her at foot of table and takes boxes from her.
Lugubriously_) It's awfully good of you to think of me, Celia.
(_Crosses back to_ L.C.) Just at this time, too.
(EVELYN _pulls_ TARVER _violently around_ R. _He staggers across stage and falls in chair extreme_ R.)
OMNES. Hus.h.!.+
(GRICE _glares at_ TARVER, PHYLLIS _and_ MADGE _offer_ CELIA _tea_, FARADAY _the m.u.f.fin-stand, and_ GRICE _offers her the plate of cake.
All this is done quickly and simultaneously_.)
PHYLLIS. You had better have some tea, Celia.
GRICE. (_Smiling at her_) Cake, with plums in it.
CELIA. (_Laughing_) You are all very kind to me this afternoon.