Part 11 (2/2)

FARADAY. (_Stopping_ MARTIN _at door_ L.) And Martin, see that another army list is bought. Send in to Lumley at once.

MARTIN. _Another_ army list, sir? Yes, sir. (_Exit_ L.IE.)

GRICE. (_In an injured tone_) Celia is not here!

PHYLLIS. She has gone to see old Wilson, young Wilson's father. There is a rumor that he's wavering.

FARADAY. _Wavering_! _Wilson?_ He has some influence, too. I do hate a station master who can't stick to his political principles.

GRICE. What's Wilson's trouble?

EVELYN. Compulsory vaccination. He can't spell it, so he's against it.

GRICE. Silly a.s.s! Well, if anyone can settle him, it will be _Celia_.

PHYLLIS. Yes, isn't she splendid? I believe Celia could make _anybody_ do _anything_.

AUNT IDA. Have you just discovered that?

GRICE. I don't think that's much of a discovery.


MADGE. Yes, but Aunt Ida, you never really knew Celia before.

AUNT IDA. Before what?

MADGE. (_Enthusiastically_) Before she was engaged. Before she let herself go, before she showed us all the _Celiaishness_ of _Celia_.

GRICE. There isn't a finer girl in England. (_Puts teacup on mantel_.) No, nor a finer dinner than the one I'm giving her to-night.

(_Enter_ TARVER L.I, _elaborately dressed and spattered with mud. He leans against jamb of door weakly. Everyone but_ AUNT IDA _starts in surprise at sight of_ TARVER. NOTE: AUNT IDA _does not partic.i.p.ate in this scene, being wholly engrossed in the matter of the Times_.)

PHYLLIS. (_Starting up, goes toward_ TARVER _a few steps_) Bobby!!!!

TARVER. (_Leaning weakly against door_) I'm dead to the world.

EVELYN. What has happened?

TARVER. The most awful thing.

PHYLLIS. It was that dreadful ordeal of laying the corner stone, I suppose.
