Part 8 (2/2)
You might want to copy it for your trousseau. (_Exit_ R.)
CELIA. (_Puzzled_) My trousseau? (_Recovers herself_) My trousseau, oh, yes, yes, my trousseau. (_Looks quickly and vainly about for some place to hide letter, either in her dress or under the table. No one is looking at_ CELIA _during this business. She sees large blue envelope in which she has already placed two unopened letters_. NOTE: _The flap of this large envelope must be turned in. She quickly holds it up and slips the letter to_ SMITH _inside and hides it between the periodicals on lower end of table. She then looks around to see that no one has observed her and exits quickly_ R.)
(PHYLLIS _beckons to_ TARVER _and he sits beside her on sofa.
Immediately_ CELIA _exits_, STEELE _starts after her. When he gets down_ R.C., RALEIGH _rushes after him, carrying a card_.)
RALEIGH. Where are you going?
STEELE. I thought perhaps Miss Faraday might let me put on her slippers.
RALEIGH. (_Taking_ STEELE _by the arm_) Well, she is not going to put them on in the hall. She has gone to her room. You come back here.
GRICE. (_Shouts loudly and bangs table and jumps up_) Raleigh!
FARADAY. Is this a game of bridge or a game of tag?
RALEIGH _and_ STEELE. I beg your pardon! (_They rush back to card room and_ RALEIGH _plays card that he has carried away_.)
FARADAY. There now, he revoked too, and that's game and rubber.
(STEELE _strolls down extreme_ L., _goes_ R. _a few steps and stands watching door where_ CELIA _has made her exit_.)
RALEIGH. (_Coming down_ R.C., _also looking toward door_ R.I) Do I owe anything?
(FARADAY _goes_ C. _up stage_. GRICE _comes_ C. _down stage_. EVELYN _comes_ R. _of_ L. _table with a bridge score in her hand_.)
GRICE. (_Coming down center above and to the_ L. _of_ RALEIGH) Do you owe anything? You have revoked, lost the rubber, played the worst game I have ever seen, and now you ask if you owe anything. Yes, you owe Lady Trenchard three and six.
(RALEIGH _turns_ L. _to_ EVELYN _and pays her_.)
FARADAY. (_Moving_ R. _toward morning room_) Come and have a whiskey and soda.
TARVER. Whiskey and soda. What, ho! (_He rises_.)
(GRICE, FARADAY _and_ TARVER _exit through morning room. Enter_ MARTIN L.I _with salver_. STEELE _starts for door_ R.I _and gets to door_.
RALEIGH _goes up to morning room. Just as he gets to the door, he sees_ STEELE, _who is about to exit after_ CELIA.)
RALEIGH. No, you don't, Steele. You come along here.
(STEELE _goes up_ R. _of sofa and exits with_ RALEIGH, _protesting.