Part 6 (2/2)

Sleight Of Hand Lauren Dane 60130K 2022-07-22

”What would you do if Xander cheated on you?”

Lissette looked over at him, and she felt her heart soften. He'd given her the power and the freedom to do something that could end up harming his mother. But he trusted her to make it right, and she loved him even more than she'd imagined she ever could love another human being.

”He wouldn't.” And he smiled at her, nodding. ”But if he did, I'd cut his b.a.l.l.s off, even though they'd grow back.”

Graciella gave a slow smile. ”I do believe you would. Good for you, girl. And you would kill me, wouldn't you?”

”I would. I might even like it a little bit. But I hope you won't make me because I love your son an awful lot, and he seems to be fond of you and all. But he tells me I'm queen, and I've never done a job halfway. I'll do what needs to be done because if you won't stop this ridiculous vendetta, you're a threat to all of us.”

Graciella considered this for a few moments and finally nodded. ”All right then, Lissette. I see I've underestimated my new daughter-in-law. I think my son may have actually met his match. Even if you were human.”

Stryker gave a surprised bark of laughter, but Lissette raised a brow and sat down.

”And another thing-will you leave Alex alone and let him go to school? Let him become a full member of the tribe when he turns thirteen and comes fully into his power? You're a mother, Graciella. He has no one but Xander. Can't you see that?”

Graciella sighed but nodded. ”Oh, all right. I do suppose it was less than sporting of me to try and injure a child. He can stay, Xander. I give my official sanction to the council tonight.”

Lissette stood. ”Well, there you all go. I have a bar to run, and I need to get to it. Is this s.h.i.+ndig over?”

Xander bit back a smile and nodded regally instead. ”Dominic will escort you. I have some things to finish up, and I'll see you back home.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, and she winked at him on her way out.

Chapter Six.

The next evening Alex had moved in, and all of Lissette's stuff had been delivered to the house as well.

When she awoke, she had the horrible cramping and knew it was hunger.

”The older you get, the easier it will be to wake up. You'll be able to go for a few hours without feeding.

For the first months though, it's hard,” he said, seeing her grab her stomach. ”Let me get one of my donors in here.”

She stood up and then was amazed at how fast she could move. She let herself enjoy that for a few moments and then scowled at him again. ”No way. I mean it, Stryker, they all go. You can pay for apartments or whatever for them like other vamps do. It's a simple thing-they live here or I live here, take your pick.”

”You won't make me get rid of them?”

”You're negotiating with me to keep those s.k.a.n.ks?”

He grew hard as he took her in. All of the fury that turned him on when she was human was amplified now. As an angry vampire, her eyes glowed, and her lips were ruby red.

Just watching her made him want to bury himself inside of her and show her the glories of feeding from him during s.e.x as he'd done with her the night before. He bit back a groan, knowing they'd have to wait until they dealt with this very tedious issue of donors.

”We need to feed. Darling, you have to have humans to feed from, too. We can both feed from them. I'll have them all move out. This is your home, and I respect that.”

”I wouldn't touch your s.l.u.tty donors with a ten foot stake, thank you very much. I'll get my own donors.

I want Dominic and Eric. I know a few others who will do nicely as well. Let's get dressed so that you can tell the bimbos they're moving out, and I'll just go and grab Dom and Eric. I'm sure they'll agree to be my donors.”

”If you think I'm going to agree to you having ten attractive male donors, you're out of your mind,” he sputtered.

”But I won't be f.u.c.king them.” She tossed his words back at him. ”And we need to eat, right?”

He bit back a grin. d.a.m.n his woman was good. Almost better than he was. He tossed his hands up, signaling defeat. ”All right, I surrender. Tell me what you propose.”

”How many donors would the two of us need to sustain our bodies and to keep the donors healthy?”

He thought about it for a bit. ”I'd say fifteen. That would give everyone several days between feedings.”

”You get rid of every single one of your harem. We choose a group of fifteen together from people we trust, half male, half female.”

”But there will be one extra, seven male, seven female. What about the fifteenth?”

”We'll flip for it.”

He nodded, holding back a grin. He went into the bedroom to pull out the double sided quarter. The same one he used to get her into his bed the first time. And more recently to get her back into his life.

Fate was that he'd found her, but he'd be a fool to trust the coin when he could manage just fine with sleight of hand.

About Lauren Dane.

Lauren Dane is a suburban mom with a lurid imagination that she's put to good use with her writing. Her favorite thing is when people tell her that she doesn't look like ”someone who'd write those books.”

She lives in the Northwest with her husband and three very rambunctious kids. She writes everything from paranormals to contemporary BDSM books and develops terrible crushes on all of her heroes.

Even though she lives in her head a lot, she does venture outside from time to time to collaborate with other authors-two great examples are Erotic Romance Authors and Maverick Authors.

Readers may visit her on the web at .

Spicy, sensual love stories which leave a reader breathless, intense plots, alpha males, strong heroines and sizzling dialogue-find it all at Whispers!


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