Part 1 (1/2)
Sleight of Hand.
Lauren Dane.
As always, for Ray, who is everything. And thanks to Marie for her great edits!
Chapter One.
Lissette Norris slammed her fist onto the bar, barely leas.h.i.+ng a snarl of frustration at the man standing before her. ”No! You guys get enough from me. I'm drawing the line right here and now.”
”Lissette, please. Just this once. We need a place to keep him. It's just for a few days. We'll move him elsewhere once this gets cleared up.”
The man speaking to Lissette was Henry Brown, one of the business managers for the Emerald City vampire tribe. His voice had a pleading note. She knew he was uncomfortable with the task at hand. She also knew he'd do it without question. Brown's boss and Lissie's soon to be ex-boyfriend, Xander Stryker, instilled that kind of unquestioning loyalty in his people. Through love or fear.
”Look, Henry, if her highness has trouble with a kid, that's her business. I take this boy in and suddenly it's my business, too. You know that. Problem is, I'm not a vampire. I'm not super strong or super fast, I'm just a human bar owner who can be snapped in half like a f.u.c.king twig.”
”It's not forever. Stryker will be sure that you're safe, you know that. The boy just needs a place to stay until the politics of his presence in town are solved.”
”And he's planning to keep me safe how? Poof! I'm safe by divine decree? Come on, Henry. Sure, the vampires can't enter my home, but they can sure as h.e.l.l come into my bar. And they can always send humans to take care of the job.”
Heaving a frustrated sigh, she shoved a hand through her hair. ”And anyway, they're all millionaires. Why not stay at the freaking Four Seasons? My spare room is not luxurious, I can promise you that.”
Henry steeled himself, drawing his shoulders up, taking a deep breath. ”Stryker wants him with you. It's close to him, and he knows you're safe and can be trusted. Hotels will involve human helpers and a bunch more politics.” He paused significantly. ”He told me to remind you that you owe him one.”
Her stomach sank, and her heart constricted in her chest. But for the moment, she chose to let the rage push away the hurt. ”That f.u.c.ker,” she growled through clenched teeth. ”How many times have I saved his a.s.s, and this is the thanks I get? Blackmail?” Reaching out, she poured herself a shot of good Scotch and drank it. Eyes closed, she let the fire of the amber liquid fill her as she made up her mind.
”Fine. He wins. But not without a cost. Henry, you tell Stryker that he can store his brother at my place.
You better also be sure to tell him that he and I are done. I don't want to see his face here or at my house. He can see his brother when I'm here at the bar.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. ”And you also tell him that from now on this is a neutral bar. His exclusive grant is rescinded. Vampires of all tribes are welcome. But not him. He is not to set foot in this bar ever again. Stryker wants to f.u.c.k with me? He can kiss my a.s.s,” she paused for emphasis, ”figuratively, that is.”
Henry nodded tiredly. ”Thanks, Lissette. I'll tell him, but he won't be happy. Someone will contact you to make arrangements to get Alex to your house.” He stood. ”You know, he doesn't want to hurt you.
He cares about you. Give him a chance to make this right.” He hesitated as if he wanted to say something else but shook his head and quickly left the bar.
Xander Stryker, the Scion of the Emerald City tribe, sat behind a mahogany desk, phone to his ear. He ran his fingers through his hair and tousled it further. Looking up and seeing Henry, Xander motioned him into the room.
”Well?” Xander asked, hanging up the phone. ”What did she say?”
”She agreed.” Henry s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably in his chair.
Stryker smiled. ”Good. I knew she would be reasonable.”
”Uh, well, about that...”
Stryker sighed. ”I knew it was too good to be true. What did she say?”
”She said-and I quote, so don't kill me-that you are never to come to her home while she's there or the bar again. Oh, and that the bar is now neutral and open to all tribes. Your exclusivity is rescinded and that you can kiss her a.s.s.” Henry sighed and looked at his hands clasped on his lap. ”And then she said that the two of you were done.”
Stryker winced. ”She didn't! She said that? All of it?”
”All of it. She's really p.i.s.sed, boss. More than that, she's hurt. You should have seen her face when I reminded her that she owed you one.”
Stryker shook his head in denial. ”No. I refuse to take this silly female behavior. I knew I should have gone to ask her myself. I know she'll get over it. She can't resist me. Even Lissie can't stay mad forever.” But he said it more to convince himself than anyone else, and though Henry looked doubtful, he wisely remained quiet.
”When does Alex get into town?”
Henry opened his PDA and double checked. ”Tomorrow just after sundown. We're bringing him to the local airport rather than our airstrip. We've let it be overheard that he is coming into town three days from now and have arranged for a flight to come in that evening. I don't know how long it'll fool your mother once Alex gets here, but it should be enough to get him to Lissette's house and settled in safely.”
”Good man, Henry. My mother will get over this ... unreasonable dislike of Alex soon enough. But until then, I want guards there. Put Dominic there starting today. And be sure that Dom checks her security system. Silver ammo at all times. If anyone threatens Lissie or Alex in any way, he's got my clearance to shoot them in the head.”
”Got it. And boss? If I were you, I'd give her a day or two to let this die down a bit. Maybe send flowers in the mean time.”
Stryker smirked and then nodded. ”You're worth every penny, Henry. Please arrange to have a dozen red, a dozen pink, a dozen yellow, a dozen white, and a dozen lavender roses sent to her house. Have them sign the card with my name.”
”Nothing else? Just your name?”
”What else is there to say?”
”Uh, an apology, perhaps? Send her your love?”
”In a card written by a florist? I think my signature should be enough.”
Henry raised his eyebrows, clearly not convinced, but Stryker waved him out of the room, dismissing him.
Chapter Two.