Part 12 (1/2)
I'ot 'ter square the deal or I'oner and stuff's all off, want yer to let ot ter blow a lot o' ht, Amos, youse's square a man's ever met I'll let ye hev it”
”Good, thet's relief; sooner I get it easier mind'll be Nuthin' like 'mediate action to relieve man's mind, you know Let's take nuther drink and ye can write th' check with steadier hand”
Rayder sed another drink while Amos fumbled about the desk until he found Rayder's check book
”Bet ye can't spell ten withouta crook There now, if you can write thousand as well you're a peachareno Bully, norite Silas Rayder at the bottom You're a brother in fact, Rayder, an' I love ye better as any brother Shay, let's hev nuther bottle”
And Amos pocketed the check and quietly slipped down stairs, to the saloon and was back with another quart before Rayder had roused frooblet of whisky
”Shay, Rayder, de ye know about story of Guvner of North Carolina sed to Guvner of South Carolina, to effet an' words, it was long time between drinks?”
”An' that was a da an' faram ed never been born”
Half an hour later Rayder was stretched upon the lounge in the little back office, dead to the world Arey of the ave hioblet of whisky followed by a sip of water He had drawn the blinds and left the coal-oil la ht
When the office boy came, he cautioned him not to awaken Rayder He then crossed over to the bank, called for the face payold coin He took the o Express couache
[Illustration: THE AREGUIPENA (Page 56)]
Rayder was sleeping when he returned He placed the check book in its accustoht's debauch and left a note on the desk saying: ”My dear Rayder, I have been suddenly called houache as soon as you can make it convenient Amos”
When Rayder awoke it was four o'clock in the afternoon His head was in a whirl and everyHe called Charley and sent for a doctor The doctor saw the trouble at a glance He called a hack and accompanied Rayder to his home
”This will never do, Mr Rayder You have drank much whisky in your time and it has becoet you out of this in less time than four weeks”
The day was fair when Carson left Saguache with pretty Annie Ah he had spent the night in fearful anxiety, walking the streets, he now felt such a relief over getting out of town, undiscovered by Mary Greenwater, that he was bubbling over with high spirits In the presence of Annie his better nature stood outward and he even surprised himself with his quick sallies of wit and repartee Annie was charaily, they did not notice the lowering clouds about the Spanish Peaks, until a strong wind began to raise and soon one of those sudden stor in all its fury In a short while it beca swirls, so dense that the horse's head could not be seen
Carson had experienced the blizzard on the range and knew the only safe course was to let the horse have the reins, and trust to its animal instinct to find a shelter He drew the robes securely about Annie and endeavored to allay her fears, although conscious of the peril they were in The horse was plodding its way through the snow-drifts and it was evident that the aniht last all night, or it ht continue for three days On those trackless wastes in such a stor was almost certain, unless they reached a place of shelter
The hours dragged by He kept up an incessant talking with Annie, lest she should fall into the fatal sleep The girl was quick to perceive his tender care, and in full apprehension of their danger, felt a growing confidence in the man beside her She knew that he fully realized their peril and admired him for his efforts to conceal his fears fro with feeble steps
Carson was at the point of giving vent to his fears, when the ani to the horse's head, found they were beside a cabin His heart gave a great leap of joy and he called exultantly to Annie
The cabin was deserted, but, praise Providence, it was shelter The door swung open on its hinges There was a fireplace with sos in a heap of ashes When Annie was securely inside, he brought in the robes froht the animal inside the cabin This made Annie's heart leap with joy; she had not considered how they would protect the horse, and this huave her theto fear from a man who is so kind to ani fire on the hearth So froht inside He had no axe hich to cut theether in the fire slantwise fros forward The wind screah the rough clapboard roof
Until now no thought had been given to the lunch which Annie had prepared for the trip She brought it out froave the horse a buttered biscuit as his share of the ladness The blazing logs gave warhout the long watches of the night, while the snow drifted and the wind screa the loose clapboards of the roof creak and groan