Part 5 (1/2)
Never before had I been so happy as now, in Felicita's presence For the first ti ho souitar and I went hohtness of heart I had not experienced for a long ti me to be away froether ould ride horseback over the picturesque valley, with its olive and orange groves and along shaded avenues of palms, with pebbly brooks of crystal waters on either side The pure air and semi-tropical skies stimulated our buoyant spirits, and made these the halcyon days of my existence My first dreams of love e met in the Cordilleras were now a blissful reality
I saw little of Don Rodrigo in the weeks that followed and was seldom in the company of my comrades Once a week I would join them at the club, but aside from that I was always to be found at Don Julian's home
Months sped by in sweet content as the world took on apicture
I htly I noticed an evil look in his eyes On returning to ht on my door I struck a match, a blood red heart was traced on the panel, and in the center stuck a dagger What did it mean?
It was the night of the annual masque ball at Tiravaya, a summer resort a few entle at their sides Others were in hellet and breastplate, to represent Pizarro's conquerors of Peru Many of the ladies wore quaint costumes and rich attire of the court of Ferdinand and Isabella, while a feere attired in grotesque costumes Felicita was dressed as a princess of the court of the ancient Incas, with a head dress of the rich pluarb of Scotland
I soon discovered Felicita by the rosebud in her hair We took part in the grand march and in nearly all the dances The soft strains of thein the brilliantly lighted room made the hours pass quickly and it was soon ti was over, we proceeded to the dining roo finished, theserved Just then I observed Rodrigo for the first ti me I called Felicita's attention to hihtened She wanted to return ho friends She replied that I was not familiar with Spanish hatred, and that he would sooner or later insult me I had known for more than three months, that he had proposed to Felicita and been refused I also kneas a ga an expert and without any sense of honor, even to one of that profession, he was seldom unsuccessful
I had never mentioned to Don Julian or Felicita his ot under the influence of wine, proposed a toast to Peru, to which we all responded by raising our glasses Another toast was given to the United States which received a similar response Toast followed toast in quick succession I lass as I had no desire to drink anydistance beforefor Chico to have our horses in readiness, when I heard my name called and found that I was requested to ratulated the company present for the pleasant ti had been conducted by our host All rose and gave hio then stepped to the center between both tables, and asked everyone present who denounced the British government for its action in the Huascar affair, to stand up I knew the insult was meant for me I refused to stand, as also did two of ain pleaded with me to leave, but I could not do so with honor then, and had I done so, I would have been held in conteo ca himself to me said:
”I observe that you refuse to condeovernment Of course you are a Britisher, but I overnment was of the most cowardly nature, and anyone who upholds such actions deserves the name of coward; in fact, anyone who allows himself to be ruled by the Queen of Great Britainbut a brave h my brain I stood like one paralyzed I could neitherat me and seemed to enjoy ht ar quite plainly, but I was bereft of all powers Then by a valiant effort I recovereddown, I told Felicita to remain and not be alaro stood I was calo,” I said, ”I caht of being insulted Neither do I believe that our host or the gentlemen present intended that I should be You have without provocation on my part, insulted ave me birth never produced cowards and I want to convince you that I am not an exception” With this I dealt him a terrific blow in the face
He fell heavily to the floor and all was confusion Men leaped on tables and chairs Cries of ”Doith the foreigner!” were heard on every side Then my British friends ca, ”Good, Jack, the coward deserved it! Let us stand side by side and show them how the Queen's subjects can defend theed and partially hanging over his forehead, his blue eyes sparkling with indignation, his right hand holding a revolver The other said, ”There are only three of us but ill show the his Colt's I had also pulledthe worst, when the A of your Queen or country; I aht, and what I would do under sih we have little chance against such odds”
By this tio had been assisted to his feet, blood all over his face The uproar ceased for a few minutes, as the croithout a leader The blow had told with effect--two front teeth were gone and both eyes were discolored, caused, I think, by hi in contact with the floor In a few ain commenced We knew it threatened our lives, but when they looked down the barrels of four revolvers they knew it also threatened so on a chair, I asked them to listen to me I told theht by Don Rodrigo against me; and I asked why others should suffer? Let him finish his quarrel with me now or at any other tientleet themselves as to endeavor to overcome us, who had never done theo had been washed, and never did I see a face with such devilish and , with quite a knowledge of the art of self defense, and I watched him very closely lest he should draw a knife
Presently he said that he would be the judge of ti o Garcia I did not answer and he walked out of the hall I drank several glasses of ith those who, but a few e I found Chico nearwhen I discovered that he had arreat navy revolver he found in my room I am satisfied had an attack been made on us, Chico would have done his part, provided he had found a way to use the revolver I am satisfied he never saw one before he caet the horses ready and my friends remained near to prevent any treachery However, ere not ed o ”I know,” she said, ”that man's nature He atch you always, and while he will not attack you alone, he will pay others to inflict so and had hot cocoa ready for us We both concluded that ould better tell hi version from others They were deterht in their house, but I concluded it would appear cowardly So, I bade the, perfectly happy over the few dollars I had given hiht much about the affair at Tiravaya and detero closely A week later Don Julian inforone several days, but Felicita would stay here Fatal mistake