Part 11 (1/2)

For near her stood the little boy Her childish favor singled; His cap pulled low upon his face Where pride and shame were mingled.

Pus.h.i.+ng with restless feet the snow To right, to left, he lingered-- As restlessly her tiny hands The blue-checked ap.r.o.n fingered.

He saw her lift her eyes; he felt The soft hand's light caressing, And heard the tremble of her voice, As if a fault confessing.

”I'm sorry that I spelt the word, I hate to go above you, Because”--the brown eyes lower fell-- ”Because, you see, I love you.”

Still memory to a gray-haired man That sweet child-face is showing.

Dear girl! the on her grave Have forty years been growing.

He lives to learn in life's hard school How few who pa.s.s above him Lament their triumph and his loss, Like her--because they love him.


[11] Copyrighted by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Reprinted by permission of the publishers.


Little children, you must seek Rather to be good than wise, For the thoughts you do not speak s.h.i.+ne out in your cheeks and eyes.

If you think that you can be Cross and cruel and look fair, Let me tell you how to see You are quite mistaken there.

Go and stand before the gla.s.s, And some ugly thought contrive, And my word will come to pa.s.s Just as sure as you're alive!

What you have and what you lack, All the same as what you wear, You will see reflected back; So, my little folks, take care!

And not only in the gla.s.s Will your secrets come to view; All beholders, as they pa.s.s, Will perceive and know them, too.

Goodness shows in blushes bright, Or in eyelids dropping down, Like a violet from the light; Badness in a sneer or frown.

Out of sight, my boys and girls, Every root of beauty starts; So think less about your curls, More about your minds and hearts.

Cherish what is good, and drive Evil thoughts and feelings far; For, as sure as you're alive, You will show for what you are.

--_Alice Cary._


There! little girl; don't cry!

They have broken your doll, I know; And your tea-set blue, And your play-house, too, Are things of the long ago; But childish troubles will soon pa.s.s by.

There! little girl; don't cry!

There! little girl; don't cry!

They have broken your slate, I know; And the glad wild ways Of your school-girl days Are things of the long ago; But life and love will soon come by.

There! little girl; don't cry!

There! little girl; don't cry!