Part 9 (1/2)
”Lock the dairy door!” Oh, hark, the c.o.c.k is crowing proudly!
”Lock the dairy door!” and all the hens are cackling loudly.
”Chickle, chackle, chee!” they cry; ”we haven't got the key,” they cry, ”Chickle, chackle, chee! Oh, dear! wherever can it be?” they cry.
Up and down the garden walks where all the flowers are blowing, Out about the golden fields where tall the wheat is growing, Through the barn and up the road, they cackle and they clatter; Cry the children, ”Hear the hens! Why, what can be the matter?”
What and what scratching, what bristling and what hustling, The c.o.c.k stands on the fence, the wind his ruddy plumage rustling.
Like a soldier grand he stands, and like a trumpet glorious, Sounds his shout both far and near, imperious and victorious.
But to the Partlets down below who cannot find the key, they hear, ”Lock the dairy door;” that's all his challenge says to them, my dear.
Why they had it, how they lost it, must remain a mystery; I that tell you, never heard the first part of the history.
But if you listen, dear, next time the c.o.c.k crows proudly ”Lock the dairy door!” you'll hear him tell the biddies loudly: ”Chickle, chackle, chee!” they cry; ”we haven't got the key!” they cry; ”Chickle, chackle, chee! Oh, dear! wherever can it be?” they cry.
--_Celia Thaxter._
[5] Copyrighted by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Reprinted by permission of the publishers.
Robin comes with early spring, Dressed up in his very best; Very pretty is his suit-- Brownish coat and reddish vest.
Robin takes my cherry tree For his very, very own; Never asking if he may-- There he makes his dainty home.
Robin eats my cherries, too, In an open, shameless way; Feeds his wife and babies three-- Giving only songs for pay.
Bolder thief than robin is Would be hard, indeed, to find; But he sings so sweet a tune That I really do not mind!
”Cheer up! Cheer up!” Robin sings; ”Cheer up! Cheer up!” all day long; s.h.i.+ne or shower, all the same, ”Cheer up! Cheer up!” is his song.
Eating, singing, Robin lives There within my cherry tree; When I call him ”robber!” ”thief!”
Back he flings a song to me!
”May I have some cherries, please?”
Robin never thinks to say; Yet, who has the heart--have you?
Saucy Rob to drive away?
--_Sarah E. Sprague._
[6] All rights reserved.
1. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.