Part 19 (1/2)
Down by the reedy margin of a pretty large lake--where wild-fowl innumerable made the air vocal with their cries by day, and frogs, in numbers inconceivable, chirped and croaked a lullaby to men who slept, and a symphony to beasts that howled and growled and prowled at night in bush and brake--Kambira pitched his camp.
He did not indeed, select the moist level of the fever-breeding marshes, but he chose for his temporary habitation the dry summit of a wooded hill which overlooked the lake.
Here the natives of the neighbourhood said that elephants had been lately seen, and buffaloes, zebras, etcetera, were at all times numerous.
After two long days' march they had reached the spot, and encamped late in the evening. Next morning early the business of the expedition began. Various parties of natives, armed with bows and arrows and spears, were sent out in different directions, but the band was composed of Kambira and his chief men, with Harold and his party.
They did not go far before game was found. Guinea-fowl were numerous, and those who were aimed with bows soon procured a goodly supply of these, but our travellers did not waste their energies or powder on such small game. Besides these, monkeys peeped inquisitively at the hunters from among the trees, and myriads of turtle-doves were seen in the covers. As they advanced, wild pigs, elands, waterbucks, koodoos, and other creatures, were seen in herds, and the natives dropped off, or turned aside in pursuit of these, so that ere long the band remaining with Kambira was reduced to about forty men.
Coming to a small river in which were a number of deep pools and shallows, they saw several hippopotami lying asleep, their bodies nearly all out of the water, appearing like of black rock in the stream.
But at the same place they discovered fresh traces of elephants and buffaloes, therefore the hippopotami were left unmolested, save that Harold sent a bullet amongst them, partly to let the natives hear the report of his gun, and partly to see how the animals would take it.
They all started to their feet at once, and stared around them with looks of stolid surprise that were almost equal to the looks of the natives, to whom fire-arms were little known, except by report. Another shot sent the whole herd with a heavy plunge into deep water.
”It's a queer country,” observed Disco when they had resumed their march. ”Just look at them there lizards with red and blue tails running about among the rocks an' eatin' up the white ants like one o'clock.”
Disco might have said like twelve o'clock, if numbers would have added to the force of his remark, for the little creatures referred to were miraculously active in pursuit of their food.
”But I s'pose,” continued Disco, ”the would think our country a queerer place than this.”
”Undoubtedly they would,” replied Harold; ”just fancy what would be the feelings of Kambira if he were suddenly transported into the heart of London.”
”Hallo!” exclaimed Disco, stopping suddenly and pointing to one of the men in advance, who had crouched and made signals to his friends to halt, ”breakers ahead--eh?”
”More likely buffaloes,” whispered Harold, as he c.o.c.ked his rifle and advanced quickly with Kambira, who carried a short spear or javelin.
On reaching an opening in the bushes, a small herd of zebras was observed not much more than a hundred yards in advance.
”Will the white man's gun kill so far?” asked the chief, turning to Antonio.
The interpreter made no reply, but pointed to Harold, who was in the act of taking aim. The loud report was followed by the fall of the nearest zebra. Disco also fired and wounded another, which bounded away in wild alarm with its fellows.
The natives yelled with delight, and Disco cheered in sympathy.
”You've hit him,” said Harold, as he reloaded.
”Ay, but I han't disabled him. Better luck next time. I think I took him somewhere on the port bow.”
”If by that you mean the left shoulder,” returned Harold, with a laugh, ”it's likely he won't run far. What does Kambira think of the white man's gun?” he added, turning round.
The tall chief nodded approvingly, and said, with a grave countenance--”Good, good; it is good--better than this,” shaking his short spear.
At that moment a small antelope, which had been startled and put to flight by some of the other bands of hunters, came cras.h.i.+ng wildly towards them, ignorant of the enemy in its front until within about thirty yards. It turned at a sharp angle and plunged into the jungle, but the spear which Kambira had shaken whizzed though the air and pierced its heart before it had time to disappear.
”A splendid heave!” cried Disco, with enthusiasm; ”why, man alive, you'd make yer fortin' as a harpooner if ye was to go to the whale-fis.h.i.+n'.-- Hallo! there's somethin' else; w'y, the place is swarmin'. It's for all the world like a zoological ga'rdings let loose.”
As he spoke, the hoofs of a herd of ponderous animals were heard, but the rank gra.s.s and underwood concealed them entirely from view. The whole party rushed to the nearest opening, and were just in time to see the tail of an irate buffalo make a magnificent flourish in the air as its owner plunged into cover.