Part 42 (1/2)

Jasper Lyle Harriet Ward 42450K 2022-07-22

It was an extract from the minutes of a magistrate's court. A little boy, ”apparently between ten and eleven years,” had been brought before a magistrate, having been found among thieves and pickpockets in some disorderly meeting.

The evidence presented a sorry picture.

There stood the child in the dock.

The magistrate, a man esteemed for his benevolence, examined the little prisoner attentively ere he questioned him. At length the good man said,--”How old are you, my boy?” The child did not answer. The magistrate put the question again. No reply.

”Do you know,” said Mr M--, ”how old you are?”

”No,” said the boy, his head bent down.

”Have you been brought here before?”

”No.” Here a constable intimated that this was not true.

”It seems,” said Mr M--, ”that you _have_ been brought here before.

Why do you say no? Do you know that is a falsehood?”

”No:” still the same dogged look.

”Have you any parents?”


”Who do you belong to?”

”No one.”

”Do you know what a lie is?”


”Do you know that it is wrong to steal?”


”Did you never hear of the Commandments?”


”Do you know the name of G.o.d?”


The kind-hearted magistrate stopped in these interrogatories, and laying down his pen, leaned forward; sorrow shaded his benevolent face as he said,--”My poor boy, what _do_ you know?” [This scene is taken from a record in the _Times_ newspaper of 1850.]

These were the first words of kindness which had ever been spoken to Jasper Lyle in his life, for he was the little prisoner; for though Mrs Watson had, as she expressed, ”a liking for him,” she was rough-spoken to her own children, whom she always _ordered_, never _asked_, to do her bidding.

The unfortunate child lifted his face to Mr M--, and looked half-wonderingly at it. The mode of speech was evidently beyond his comprehension: he looked round at his evil a.s.sociates, older by years in crime than he was, and laughed.