Book 2 - Page 158 (1/2)

Fifty Shades E.L. James 18440K 2022-07-22

”I've something to show you in here,” he murmurs and opens the door.

The harsh light of the fluorescents illuminates the impressive motor launch in the dock, bobbing gently on the dark water. There's a row boat beside it.

”Come.” Christian takes my hand and leads me up the wooden stairs. Opening the door at the top, he steps aside to let me in.

My mouth drops to the floor. The attic is unrecognizable. The room is filled with flowers... there are flowers everywhere. Someone has created a magical bower of beautiful wild meadow flowers mixed with glowing fairy lights and miniature lanterns that glow soft and pale round the room.

My face whips round to meet his, and he's gazing at me, his expression unreadable.

He shrugs.

”You wanted hearts and flowers,” he murmurs.

I blink at him, not quite believing what I'm seeing.

”You have my heart.” And he waves toward the room.

”And here are the flowers,” I whisper, completing his sentence. ”Christian, it's lovely.”

I can't think of what else to say. My heart is in my mouth as tears p.r.i.c.k my eyes.

Tugging my hand, he pulls me into the room, and before I know it, he's sinking to one knee in front of me. Holy h.e.l.l... I did not expect this! I stop breathing.

From his inside jacket pocket he produces a ring and gazes up at me, his eyes bright gray and raw, full of emotion.

”Anastasia Steele. I love you. I want to love, cherish, and protect you for the rest of my life. Be mine. Always. Share my life with me. Marry me.”

I blink down at him as my tears fall. My Fifty, my man. I love him so, and all I can say as the tidal wave of emotion hits me is, ”Yes.”

He grins, relieved, and slowly slides the ring on my finger. It's beautiful, an oval diamond in a platinum ring. Jeez - it's big... Big, but oh-so-simple and stunning in its sim-plicity.