Book 1 - Page 78 (1/2)
”But you know it's too much.”
”Not to me it isn't, not for my peace of mind.”
I frown at him, at a loss what to say. He just doesn't get it! He's had money all his life.
Okay, not all his life - not as a small child - and my world-view s.h.i.+fts. The thought is very sobering, and I soften towards the car, feeling guilty about my fit of pique. His intentions are good, misguided, but not from a bad place.
”I'm happy for you to loan this to me, like the laptop.”
He sighs heavily.
”Okay. On loan. Indefinitely.” He looks warily at me.
”No, not indefinitely, but for now. Thank you.”
He frowns. I reach up and kiss him briefly on his cheek.
”Thank you for the car, sir.” I say as sweetly as I can manage.
He grabs me suddenly and yanks me up against him, one hand at my back holding me to him and the other fisting in my hair.
”You are one challenging woman, Ana Steele.” He kisses me pa.s.sionately, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.
My blood heats immediately, and I'm returning his kiss with my own pa.s.sion. I want him badly - in spite of the car, the books, the soft limits... the caning... I want him.
”It's taking all my self-control not to f**k you on the hood of this car right now, just to show you that you are mine, and if I want to buy you a f**king car, I'll buy you a f**king car,” he growls. ”Now let's get you inside and naked.” He plants a swift rough kiss on me.
Boy, he's angry. He grabs my hand and leads me back into the apartment and straight into my bedroom... no pa.s.sing go. My subconscious is behind the sofa again, head hidden under her hands. He switches on the sidelight and halts, staring at me.
”Please don't be angry with me,” I whisper.
His gaze is impa.s.sive; his gray eyes cold shards of smoky gla.s.s.
”I'm sorry about the car and the books,” I trail off. He remains silent and brooding.
”You scare me when you're angry,” I breathe, staring at him.
He closes his eyes and shakes his head. When he opens them, his expression has softened fractionally. He takes a deep breath and swallows.
”Turn round,” he whispers. ”I want to get you out of that dress.”
Another mercurial mood swing, it's so hard to keep up. Obediently, I turn and my heart is thumping, desire instantly replacing unease, coursing through my blood and settling dark and yearning low, low in my belly. He scoops my hair off my back so it hangs down my right side, curling at my breast. He places his index finger at the nape of my neck and achingly slowly drags it down my spine. His well-manicured fingernail gently grazes down my back.
”I like this dress,” he murmurs. ”I like to see your flawless skin.”
His finger reaches the back of my halter dress midway down my spine, and hooking his finger beneath the top, he pulls me closer so that I step back against him. I feel him flush against my body. Leaning down, he inhales my hair.
”You smell so good, Anastasia. So sweet.” His nose skims past my ear down my neck, and he trails soft, feather light kisses along my shoulder.