Chapter 225 (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 25470K 2022-07-22


at 19th of August 2019 12:35:04 PM

Chapter 225: 225

Joseph glided over the dance floor, with Stella glued to his side . Their form was breathtaking as everyone watched . The golden outfits sparkled as the world tree allowed bits of light to trickle down to them .

All around them, filling the ma.s.sive dance floor, chibi knee-high figures danced with them . One little dark chibi, kept trying to dance with the various rune manifestations, and kept getting pa.s.sed off . Poor little NECROMANCY couldn't find a permanent dance partner, but seemed to be having fun never-the-less .

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Chuck seemed to notice Saisho and couldn't stop staring at her as Joseph and Stella seemed oblivious to everything around them . He was in a human sized form, still as a lizardman, and she was in her human form . When she noticed him staring at her, she gave him a smile and headed over to talk to him .

Selena had the full attention of the dwarves . No matter how much she drank, she just wouldn't get drunk . The fumes she gave off were alcoholic in nature and all of the dwarves couldn't seem to pull themselves away . They kept bringing her new drinks to try and she kept exclaiming over how tasty they were .

The elven king was deep in conversation with the elves from around the tree . Apparently, they didn't have a king and claimed to be an autonomous collective . The queen was very busy trying to keep the babies away from the dance floor, but the runic chibis stole them away and were having fun dancing with them .

Stu was busy keeping the buffet table stocked . For some reason the FOOD chibi kept coming over and tweaking the dishes . He was worried that they might have side-effects on some of them, but knew that they couldn't possibly be dangerous for Joseph's wedding . He really wouldn't go up against the rune anyway .

LIGHT and TECHNOLOGY had a dis...o...b..ll going and at one point, started the electric slide .

Nidhogg had tasted some of the various wines that Joseph had out, and took over the microphone that appeared, and started crooning love songs . No one really paid attention to him, except when he got too close to the dance floor, and then GATE sent him home, to sleep it off .

Joseph's parents had taken over one little corner of the dance floor, and were taking turns dancing, based on the songs that were playing .

Stella's mother was over by the buffet table, looking a little lost, because she didn't know anyone . One of the elven guards, that the elven king had brought, started talking to her, and they were both seen later dancing on the dance floor .

PLANT was spotted sitting next to the world tree, with a drink, speaking softly . No one bothered him . Though blooms started to fall upon the crowd later that night .

Sound was in a DJ booth, making sure the music continued on all night .