Chapter 208 (2/2)
”I'm going to try and slowly move the planet further away from the sun . I can cancel the gravity on the mountain to let it float but the planet will gradually try to approach it instead . I'm going to use the movement to keep the castle on the dark side of the planet slightly more than the side facing the sun to gradually expand its...o...b..t . ”
”This is harder to follow than when you talk magic . ”
”Here, it's not as good as when you make cookies but Joe made a recipe . ”
”It's a chocolate peanut b.u.t.ter pie . The middle is vanilla pudding . ”
She took the pie, looking at him suspiciously, and stuck a finger in it, to give it a try . Licking her finger clean, her expression cleared with delight .
”Okay . Thanks!” she said, taking the pie and leaving . Joseph could only shake his head and chuckle as he went back to the rune .
”Hmm . That seems capable of slowly breaking the bone down into powder . ”
”Joseph what'cha doin?” asked Stella in a sing-song voice .
”Stella?” asked Joseph, looking at her confused .
”Yess?” she asked slowly, still in that childish, playful tone .
”Are you feeling ok?”
”I saw it in one of Issa's films . I thought it was cute,” she said, with a slight frown, sounding like herself, again .
”It was . It really was . You're never allowed to do that with other people around . ”
Stella laughed, ”But seriously, why are you trying to break the bones from NIKMESH? I thought you wanted to make stuff out of them?”
”I do and I am . These are extra's that I'm powdering . Also, the meat from off the bones is over there . Organs are over there, but I haven't finished a.n.a.lyzing them yet . ”
”Are you really using the blood in this robot of yours?”
”Mech, and about half of it, yes . I'm still trying to figure out the best way to kill G.o.ds . ”
'Oh, relax, system . I'm killing NURKONG and whoever else is working for him . Honestly, once I kill NURKONG, I hope the rest will just give up and leave us alone . I have a kingdom to run and I would do a better job of it, and healing the world, if I didn't have to keep stopping to deal with them . '
'System, please . He's way more effort than doing laundry . '
”Anyway, the femur over there is the core of my new staff . I was thinking about using the ribs as boning to strengthen the armor, but with the weaknesses I'm discovering, I think the normal dragon scales are tougher, much less Saisho's scale . ”
”Seems a waste of G.o.d material to just powder it . ”
”Oh, I've still got uses for the powder . The fur off the back is already hanging in the throne room though . ”
”Got it . I'll leave you to it . I'm going to cook up something…divine . ” Stella giggled as she left .
”Wow! Stella, did you brush orange on the meat while you were cooking it?”
”Yes, and I borrowed one of your tools to MATURE it while it was roasting . It's been cooking about 3 years, I think comparatively . I figured chewing G.o.d might be tough . I had to use the G.o.d slaying daggers to even cut it up . ”
”Well, it's awesome now . Super tender . ”
”Yeah, the citric acid is supposed to help, so I thought I'd try it . Selena came through with another pregnancy craving as I was cooking so I gave her some too . ”
”She ate it slow roasted?”
”Oh, no, she flame-grilled her pieces . Gave me a bite, too . It was delicious, but I like this better . ”
”Ah, ok . I probably won't finish the staff until tomorrow and the armors until the day after . ”
”I'm just glad you didn't try and talk me into enchanted bikini armor . ”
Joseph laughed at her deadpan expression . ”Please, Stella . I want the armor for your safety . I'm incorporating the force fields, but the underlying armor is there in case something can penetrate the force fields . It doesn't do much good to put you in a bikini before a big fight . I can still add that as an illusion if you want, though?”
”Don't . You . Dare . ”