195 Chapter 192 A Seed Of Doubt Remains (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24540K 2022-07-22

”Let's go take a look at this barrier,” said Joseph, taking her arm again, and they left the workshop through the hole that was still gaping in the wall. The gnomes scattered like leaves as they stepped onto the street.

”I can show you the way!” grinned the gnome rus.h.i.+ng ahead of them. His legs were so much smaller than theirs, he needed to take three steps for their one.

”Who runs the city, if the royal family is all dead?” asked Joseph.

Stella wondered if he was considering taking them back to his kingdom, and knew without having to ask that of course he was considering it. They had mechs. He had already mentioned that big robots were a favorite thing of all men. She didn't get it, but would humor him. Plus, there was no telling what other things they might have that interested him, with those magical eyes. She had been listening to Joe mutter in his head every since they stepped through the barrier. While she couldn't make out what he had been saying, she was sure he was a.n.a.lyzing everything.

”We have a type of counsel, but honestly, there isn't anyone in charge. If someone has a problem with anything, they take it to the person they have a problem with and discuss it until the problem is resolved. Everything else is taken to the counsel, but that's rare.”

”Do you not have murders or other crimes?” asked Stella. This place was too…good, for her.

”Oh, no! We don't have anything like that! There's the occasional accident, but never anything so malicious as that. The stories they teach the kids in school, tell of a time when that happened, but it has been generations.”

Joseph nodded in understanding, and she wondered what he knew that he wasn't telling.

They arrived at another s.h.i.+mmering barrier, where the gnome stopped. They had hundreds of gnomes gathered behind them, watching in silence as Joseph touched the barrier.

Stella felt pride that they could see her Joseph succeed at something that none of them could accomplish. He pushed through the barrier, as if it wasn't there, and she jumped to his shadow.

”That's very interesting,” he said to himself, taking her arm again, and nodded to the gnomes who were gaping at them in astonishment.

”What is?” she asked.

”The first barrier that we crossed to enter the city, protects against evil beings entering the city. This barrier kept out good beings.”

Stella wondered about that. ”Is that why it felt like I was being attacked by ants when we first entered the city?”

”Yes,” he said, glancing at her. ”You know that you are evil?”

”Of course! I already told you that you shouldn't listen to me about such things as whether to kill someone or not. I gave up on being good a long time ago. Being nice doesn't get you very far when so many people only respect those they fear.”

He looked at her for a moment, then turned towards the large buildings ahead of them. She wondered for a moment if he didn't like her as much, and the doubt chewed at her stomach, making it churn like it used to when she was fighting with her emotions after he walked in on her naked as a child. Remembering those moments made her even more determined to get over her issues. This was Joseph. She had to be the best for him! It didn't matter what had happened back then. She was a different person now. No one would ever be able to hurt her again!

Shaking her head as he sent her comfort through their link, she squeezed his arm in thanks and turned her attention to the two buildings they were standing in front of.
