Chapter 187 (2/2)
Taking a breath to calm himself, he smiled at the hero, and said, ”I've had an epiphany, that I haven't had a chance to try yet . It involves one of the very first spells that I ever cast . You see, originally, I wasn't thinking broadly enough . FOOD spells should take into consideration what others will eat, not just yourself .
”I have a dragon friend, who greatly enjoys his meat raw, he also enjoys it still alive . ”
Nidhogg landed behind him, cueing in on what Joseph was saying and grinned wider and wider as he realized what this meant .
”My friend, only needs to eat once a month, which means he can slow his digestion drastically . Also, because I'm so awesome, I can make you paralyzed, without making you numb . ”
Joseph held up a brand that had the healing rune shaped on the end, that Stella had placed into his hand . From the view of everyone around, it looked like he had just pulled it out of thin air . Heating up the end, he pushed it into the hero's chest, burning through his s.h.i.+rt, and leaving a deep imprint on his skin . Then he poured molten enchanted silver into the imprint, cooling it so that it would harden and be permanent .
”This healing rune, will prevent you from dying as you are digested, and may even cause you to heal at the same speed as you are digested . I'm really not sure . ”
The hero fell into a mushy lump of skin onto the ground . Joseph had just removed every bone in his body, most of the internal organs, and all of his hair, as well as any grit and grime .
Turning to Nidhogg, he pointed to the quivering pile of still living hero, and said, ”No biting as you swallow him whole . I want him to suffer . ”
Nidhogg, who hadn't been allowed such a treat, quickly slurped him down .
”Theon, do you have the stones I told you to bring?”
Theon stepped forward with several fist sized stones . Taking the largest, Theon cast SOUL STONE . Joey's soul appeared out of the side of the dragon, and was sucked into the stone, where Theon carefully placed the rock into a box .
William appeared, from among the mages, breathing hard, where he had been running to get there .
”Joseph, what are you doing?” William asked, looking around at the a.s.sembled mages, who had witnessed everything Joseph had done so far, and at the three girls who were still waiting for their sentences, still trapped in their own fantasy worlds .
”They used magic to murder children of my people . M-G-I-C . If NURKONG wouldn't just recycle their soul, and have them attack us again, I'd just kill them, but I need to make certain they are in too much despair to try and escape . The goal is to prevent them from even realizing they have had their souls trapped . ”
”But why have all of your mages here, if you planned to do everything yourself?” he asked, still at a loss .
Joseph turned to him, with a hard glint in his eyes . ”We are dealing with a G.o.d . There's no telling what he will try and pull off . ”
Without a second glance at his father, Joseph turned to the next girl .