Chapter 186 (1/2)
at 10th of July 2019 12:35:05 PM
Chapter 186: 186
'Yes, your majesty?' she asked .
'Inform the top five apprentices from each school of GATE, MIND CONTROL, and ILLUSION, to come to an emergency meeting with me . I will be waiting for them in the War room,' he thought at her as he looked down at the magical table that depicted his kingdom .
The first wave from the north had already been dealt with, by his people, but he knew more would come, and so would these heroes from NURKONG .
'Right away!' she said, before breaking contact with him .
There were already a number of people in the room with him, waiting for him to move or say something, but he remained standing, deep in thought about the moves he was preparing for the coming battle . The table before him, that he seemed to be watching, was actively changing to reflect the repairs his people were making to the surrounding countryside, where they had been fighting . If they looked close enough, those around him could see tiny figures moving around .
”These heroes will return, and they will probably teleport in, as they did before,” he began, causing the soft murmuring to immediately stop . His eyes still didn't leave the table, and he didn't move, as he talked to them . The last of those he had summoned, quickly took their seats .
”I am going to set up a divert teleport trap, that will send them here . ” He pointed to a spot on the table, and they all nodded .
”I want a combination of spells ready to go off, the second they are diverted . COMPLEX ILLUSION, ENTHRALL, and HALLUCINATION are all to be used . I also give you permission to use STUN, MENTAL STUN, CHARM, ECSTASY, SLEEP, DAZE, etc . from MIND CONTROL to deal with the heroes the best you can .
”For those of you from ILLUSION, you can use whatever you think would encourage them to fire on each other . GATE has permission to TELEPORT OTHER, or rig up bombs to teleport to them .
”There is no glory and honor in triumphing over them . These people were chosen by an evil G.o.d who wishes to destroy us and our loved ones . Having said that, I want them trapped not killed . ”
Everyone gave a start at that, many asking at once, why he would want such a thing . He raised a hand, still looking at the table, and everyone grew silent .
”NURKONG is a G.o.d of death . He would have first claim on their souls when they die . As soon as we kill them, he would grab their souls, bring them back, and throw them at us again . The second time would be far more difficult than the first . I'm going to capture them, so he can't reuse them .
”I don't want you to tell me what you plan, because then he will warn them of what we will be doing . I want each of you to think of what you will do, then keep it to yourself . ”
He finally looked up at each of them, with his glowing eyes . The rage was burning in the blue and gold so much, that they each flinched as if he were physically hitting them .
”We are fighting a G.o.d . These horrible pieces of filth that he has sent to harm us, will pay, but only so much as to stop the harm to us they intend, and to hurt him back . I intend to use FANTASY, the compound rune from MIND CONTROL and ILLUSION . They will see the futures they desire the most . They shouldn't even try to resist, and once it gets its hooks in, they won't be able to escape . ”
He saw them looking at each other, and went back to looking at the table .
”You are dismissed,” he said softly, battling the rage that wanted him to find these abominations and destroy them . He was glad he had such a high will .
”Joseph?” asked Walter, holding up a red robe .
”Thank you . Stella?” Joseph took the robe and teleported them to the spot under the generator, where the dragon had rested .