Chapter 182 (1/2)
at 10th of July 2019 12:35:09 PM
Chapter 182
”Alright dad, you have a report for me?” asked Joseph, walking into his father's office .
William held up a finger as he finished writing something, then set his pen down and turned to him .
”The owner of a herd of sheep has requested payment for thirty-two lambs, that he claims a dragon ate . ”
Joseph laughed . ”That must be from the dragon that came to take me back to his Mother if Dragons . ”
”I figured, but I wanted to make sure it was alright to pay him, since you are the reason the dragon hasn't left yet…”
”No, that's fine . Anything else?”
”I have several things . I have news from the mages . They have made several breakthroughs in attempting to make such magical metals as mithril and adamantine, by using RUIN on normal metals such as aluminum and t.i.tanium, after they've been enchanted into mithril and adamantine . ”
”Ah, great! Those two are easy to make when you use EARTH TO STONE and STONE TO METAL . ”
”Their report says that the aluminum becomes mithril when enchanted, but acts like orichalc.u.m until they use RUIN, then they can enchant it further . The t.i.tanium becomes adamantine . The aging effect of RUIN seems to stabilize them . ”
”I wonder how the dwarves will take this news? Those are very precious to them . ”
”Our dwarven diplomat seems to think that they will be very disturbed, and cautioned us to tell the king only after we could form a stable gate between the realms for trade . ”
”Fair enough,” nodded Joseph . ”Focus will need to be made to create PURIFY METAL and ISOLATE . This will allow us to control the formulas in various alloys of metals, as well as stones . ”
”All twelve districts of your current kingdom, now have paved roads, using the best formula we have found for durability so far . The sewers are finished in eleven of the twelve districts . There are bath houses set up in every district center, and most of the sub-districts have finished construction as well . LIFE tools have been provided to the public in every neighborhood . All told, a lot of work has been completed in a very short time . ”
Joseph smiled as his dad shook his head, glancing through the next couple of pages of notes .
”Make sure my regards go out to everyone who helped and their spouses for such sacrifice to the kingdom,” said Joseph, thinking about how hard everyone had been working . With the Wizar template, overworking was going to be something he would have to keep a close eye on .
”I want every Wizar who worked over 90 hours, and every non-Wizar who worked over 60 hours, in the past week, to get three days off, to rest,” added Joseph .
William nodded, marking it down on his list, then turned to the next page . ”All of the schools, government offices, clinics, and parks should be finished by next month, and then we have harvest, which will take a lot of hands . ”
”Great,” acknowledged Joseph as he moved over to the spare chair his dad kept in his office . Throwing himself into it, he gazed up at the ceiling .
”The laws are the next thing,” said William grimacing .
”Ah, well, I have news on that! Have you started getting anything back on the requested laws from the people yet?”
”Not really . It's only been a day or two…”