Chapter 180 (2/2)
”Really? What is it?” asked Stella, putting her book down . Joseph was pretty sure she wasn't reading it, but he couldn't decide what she was doing, if not reading .
”I want a group formed to go to each group of people . I want a list drawn up of laws that they think are needed and brought to me . I will go over them all when I return and decide on the future laws . ”
”Wait, your solution is to let the people decide the laws?” asked William, incredulously .
”Absolutely not! I want to see what things they think are important, so I can take that into consideration . I have so many memories of women being abuse, and after Stella came from such a broken home, I wanted to make things better for women . This whole realm is so heavy handed with the men ruling everything, I thought it would help, but it only made things worse . ”
”That's true . If you hadn't incorporated a desire for the people to follow the law, you would have had rioting in the streets by now . The fear of not eating is driving a lot of them to work when I don't think they would have, but we still have those who fall within the loopholes of those who desire welfare help . They are still being fed and housed, while not working, because there is a shortage of work for them . We have too many people, Joseph . And the fact that most don't need to eat very often, only makes the problem worse . ”
Joseph sighed . There were going to be problems . He knew this when he chose to be the king, though he had to admit it was a rather naïve goal when he was seven .
”I also want to propose spiritual laws,” he said, watching the confused look come over his father's eyes .
”What do you mean?”
”I want rules that explain how and why someone behaves, instead of just the results of the behavior . I'm going to keep the first law, not to cause physical harm to others of the kingdom unless in personal defense . I want a happy kingdom where everyone contributes to the success and growth of the kingdom because they want to . I could have just grabbed Stella and hidden somewhere, studying magic, until I had to travel to another realm when this one was lost to the demons, but I didn't . ”
”Why?” asked William, not really following along well .
”Because, no matter how nice the house is, and how wonderful it would be to only have Stella to myself, it would be a lonely existence without people around to live it with . ”
”I guess that makes sense,” said William, slowly .
”You don't get it, okay, how about if I explain it like this; if I were a unit of power equal to a million, and the mages of my school were a unit of power equal to a hundred each, and then the normal people of my kingdom were a unit of power equal to one each, and we all were to spend time trying to better ourselves, I would be able to grow to two million in the same time the mages could become two hundred and the normal people could become two . But if I slowed myself down to one and a half million, in order to boost the growth of those beneath me, I would not be at my full potential . Instead, I would have three and a half million normal people, with three power each, which would equal more than my two million . ”
”Wow,” said William after a moment of thought . ”That's amazing . ”
”This only works if I can rule in such a way as to limit the chaos for my people to focus on advancement . I need to make everyone involved in progressing the kingdom . Besides, if we overpopulate this world, I have plans for both moons and for making new realms, or looking for dead realms to expand to . ”
'Why? It seems obvious, based on the way I designed my Wizar template, that we would eventually overrun this realm . I'm surprised they didn't put two and two together already . '