Chapter 172 (1/2)
at 27th of June 2019 01:35:08 PM
Chapter 172
”Take out the two drivers and I'll take care of the captives,” Joseph said gravely . ”Just remember that your invisibility goes away the moment you attack someone . ”
Stella nodded and dived for the wagon . She landed just behind the seat, and beheaded the two with well-placed swings of her longest daggers . Her blades disappeared back into her purse and she grabbed the heads before they could fall . Slowly standing, she turned to look at the captives in the bed of the wagon behind her .
Joseph floated down just behind them, while they stared in horror at Stella, and he cast his spells .
”There, they should show up, confused, but alive, back at the village,” said Joseph, landing off to the side of the wagon .
The horses had slowed to a stop, without any guidance from the drivers, and stood calmly as the bodies emptied themselves of blood just behind them .
”The fact that the horses don't care about the smell of blood, is disturbing,” said Stella, landing beside him, still holding the heads .
”You're right, that's not a good sign . Though, on second thought, that might not be a bad thing . I think I'll send the horses home . ”
”I wonder what the farmers will think when they find new horses in the fields,” chuckled Stella, shaking her head .
”That their king obviously granted them more animals,” said Joseph with a smile .
Stella handed him the heads, and he took them carefully, holding them out so that they didn't drip blood on him .
Several places appeared on his minimap, as places to investigate, but he wasn't sure what they represented . He would have to go to each one, to find out . Turning to the cart, he cast the same spell .
Even more places showed up . This was so much nicer than jumping around randomly and hoping to get close .
Tossing the heads away, he wiped his hands against each other, with a clap, and then turned to Stella .
”I know where we're going next . ”
”Let me guess, it involves killing more demons?” she asked with a raised eyebrow .
”Probably . We're going to start close to the towns, and work our way out . Most of the spots I have on my minimap seem to point to them heading north along the mountains on the eastern border of the eastern human kingdom . I'm curious to see how they are dealing with the monsters that live there . ”
Another wagon, with several people, closer to death than the last ones . Again, there were two drivers . Stella killed them, just as smoothly as the last two, and Joseph sent the people back to the town . Several more places were added to his map, to investigate, and two more horses were sent home .
This repeated itself three more times, before they teleported above a compound, instead of a wagon .
Below them there was an arena that held several monsters, only one still alive, that Joseph figured were residents of the surrounding mountains . As they watched, several figures moved towards the one and began to whip it . The chains they had on it, prevented it from fighting back, or evading their blows .
”Will they just torture it to death?” asked Stella, with a frown .
”Looks like it . ”
He could see captives positioned around the arena, probably as new vessels for the demons to inhabit . There were strange symbols around the arena, that he didn't recognize . The longer he tried to look at them, the worse his head hurt .
'Got it, stop looking at them, thanks . '
”Stella, I'm going to dispel the possessions, and I need you to kill the demons before they can inhabit new bodies . Whatever you do, stay out of that arena,” he said, glancing at her before turning back to the scene below them . The rest of the possessed individuals were positioned along the edges of the arena, s.p.a.ced evenly while they watched the monster get tortured below them .
With a nod of understanding, she took out her gang and got into position as he began to cast his spells .
The demons were forced out of their hosts, who dropped like puppets with their strings cut . They were then made material, before they could figure out what was going on, much less attempt to re-infest anyone .