165 Chapter 162 Wizardia (2/2)
Giant, whole roasted elephants and dragons, salads of strange glowing plants Joseph only remembered from Sylva's island, tropical fruits from thousands of worlds, all appeared between the mountain and the town.
The base unmodified rune was without direction. It searched everyone for miles, for something to heal. Old scars were removed, cuts and bruises disappeared, bones that healed crooked were straightened and aligned, diseases were destroyed. The mana cost to invoke a base rune directly was enormous, but the effects were likewise incomparable.
If this didn't ensure their loyalty, then nothing would.
As he floated down to the tower top, he said, ”Eat, and celebrate the beginning of our great kingdom!”
”Stella,” he said, canceling the GREAT VOICE, ”Send for all of the council members of the beast-kin, and I'll have dad bring all of the council members from that side, here. It's time to get the two groups together and introduce each other.”
With a smile, she darted to the stairs and disappeared for only a moment, before returning to his side. He knew as he contacted his dad, that she had found a servant to do the summons for her.
Several hours later, he stood in front of a great table, that was positioned in the dining hall. It was the largest room in the castle, that would hold all of the people on his current council. The introduction of everyone had lasted over an hour, and it was obvious the plentiful food and drink had helped to smooth over the unease of everyone.
Nidhogg, the lesser dragon, was proclaimed the treasurer, as he had the best math of everyone there. He had a place at the table, at the end, next to a whole roast ox.
”Just what, exactly is going to be the currency, in your new kingdom?” asked the dragon, between bites of his roast ox.
”I'm not sure just yet. We have so many different people now, any one thing seems insufficient. Coins of any kind of metal would be capable of duplication by magical means, even if I made it a law not to do, there would be some who might be capable of breaking the law.”
Nods and grim looks accompanied his words.
”I think the only thing that would be sufficient, would be a magical currency, made by myself, that would be so complicated to reproduce, none would be able to duplicate it.”
”When do you think, you might be able to make such a thing, in enough quant.i.ty to suit the entire kingdom?” asked Nidhogg, puzzled.
Joseph smiled. ”I'm sure I'll find the time in the next week. Until then, have a barter system set up so that everyone can get settled.”
'You want me to work on that, don't you?' asked Joe.
'Of course, when would I have time?' asked Joseph, taking a drink of his apple cider.
'I suppose I do have some free time…alright, I accept the mission.'
Over the next couple of hours, the council members discussed the most important topics lightly, such as housing, the need for lights, job availability, food and water needs, and set a time for them to reconvene at regular times.
Joseph was very pleased as it looked like the few council members that had the most possibility of causing trouble, seemed to be behaving themselves very well.
The next day, he met with all of his EARTH mages.
He began to share with them some of the sky sc.r.a.pers that he remembered from his previous lives. They were formed into teams and sent out to create fifty story buildings. First, they used SHAPE EARTH to create the sh.e.l.l, then EARTH TO STONE to solidify them. Then a later team would come along and make central supports with metal using MAKING/BREAKING mages to FIND WEAKNESS, and some KNOWLEDGE mages with MEASUREMENT and TEST LOAD to verify the structures.
Once they were satisfactorily making buildings, Joseph used CREATE SPRING several times to create plenty of fresh water sources. He even altered the terrain to create large depressions for a lake to form.
Noticing the rain clouds building on the horizon, he knew that rain would mess with all the hard work his people were doing, so he sent the clouds away, and informed the council to spread the word that every fifth day, there would be light showers all day. That would help all of the gardens, and give everyone a day of rest. They were more than happy to oblige, not even stopping to consider the ramifications of the fact he could control the weather in such a way. He was the Mage King of a kingdom of mages, after all.