159 Chapter 156 The Demon King (1/2)
With the agreement of meeting again with the dwarven king, Joseph and Stella headed towards the territory of the demon king.
They floated in the sky, looking down on the castle. There was a man below them, standing on a balcony, yawning and watching the guards in the courtyard below, go through their forms. His scales shone in the early morning light, but if his magic hadn't told Joseph that this was the king, Joseph would never have believed it. He wore normal clothes, void of any symbols or decoration, and while he seemed to have a decent amount of magic within him, it was quite obvious he never practiced it.
With a shrug, they headed down to his terrace, to speak with him. He gave a bit of a start, but that was all.
”Are you really the demon king?” asked Joseph, still floating in the air, since the king hadn't stepped back to let them land.
”Who are you?” he asked.
”My name is Joseph and this is Stella.”
”And why are you here?”
Joseph sighed. ”This seems very redundant.”
”I know, don't these people ever wonder anything other than that?” pondered Stella.
”I was summoned by the humans to kill you, but instead I enslaved all of the human kings and ordered them to bring all of your people to the borders. I am hoping to recruit all of the demons and demi-humans in your realm to my kingdom. And I will be returning to my lands in a few days.”
He turned to Stella, ”Did I forget anything?”
She shook her head no, and he turned back to the king.
”I find it hard to believe a human would want us as anything but slaves. Didn't you slave brand your elf?”
He pointed at Stella's arm, where one of her tattoos peeked out from under her sleeve.
”I am neither an elf, nor a slave,” she growled, crossing her arms.
”And I am not a human anymore,” said Joseph, finally landing as the king backed up enough for them to have room.
”Fair enough then, but why would we want to move? Surely you have something to offer if you wish to recruit my people?”
”It would get you away from the humans, who wish to kill you,” suggested Joseph.
”Is that all?” the king asked.
It was obvious to them all, that they were getting nowhere.
”Allow me to explain my kingdom in greater detail, so you may be able to come to a decision. Currently much of my land is suffering and turned into wasteland because a group of demons corrupted our world tree. I'm expecting to be rid of them within the year, and start reclaiming the land. It is easily, much more land than your current continent takes up.”
”Demons?” the king asked, c.o.c.king his head to the side in confusion.
”I mean real demons, from another realm. None of your people would actually be considered demons in my realm. You would be considered whatever non-human aspect you have, kin. So, you would be considered dragon-kin. Also, my realm has true dragons. Nothing like the weaker wyverns and drakes you have here.”