156 Chapter 153 The World Tree (2/2)
”Figures. Hey, I'm planning on taking all of the demi-humans and demons back to my realm. Do you want me to take the elves?”
<that's surprising.=”” it=”” will=”” certainly=”” make=”” things=”” lively,=”” but=”” i=”” would=”” like=”” it=”” if=”” you=”” would=”” leave=”” me=”” my=”” children,=”” please.=””>
”Ok. I wanted to ask.”
<the elves=”” in=”” the=”” forest=”” over=”” there,=”” could=”” use=”” some=”” new=”” blood.=”” actually,=”” this=”” one=”” seems=”” to=”” be=”” stronger=”” than=”” my=”” own=”” children.=”” may=”” i=”” borrow=”” her?=””>
He met her eyes and she looked confused, and a little horrified.
”How long and for what?”
Stella's face went blank and her mind almost dropped the connection.
”No, we would prefer not. We won't allow each other to fall in love, or do that, with anyone else.”
He could feel the relief from her, at his answer.
”I'm pretty sure that if she fell in love with someone else, I would kill them, and vice versa.”
<that's quite=”” interesting,=”” but=”” may=”” i=”” ask=”” why?=””>
”I would be happy, and can probably handle, an unrequited love if Stella never wanted to be intimate with me. But we have no way to sever our mind connection, and being forced to experience one of us making love to another person, isn't something either of us are willing to experience.”
<oh. then=”” i=”” suppose=”” you=”” won't=”” be=”” willing=”” to=”” make=”” children=”” either.=””>
”I can use magic to make some of your elves pregnant with children similar to Stella, if you want?”
<that would=”” be=”” wonderful.=””>
”Are they willing?”
”WHAT!?” Stella yelled.
Joseph glanced at her, to see that she was livid.
”Uh, Stella? Have you had a child before, or something?”
”No, it wasn't me, it was my sister. She swore she hadn't been with any of the hunters, but n.o.body believed her. When the child was born and looked so different, the elders said it was a blessing from the world tree.”
”Oh, so they do that sort of thing often.”
<no, certainly=”” not=”” often,=”” but=”” sometimes,=”” yes.=””>
”Okay, then which bloodline do you want?”
”Yes. Stella's people were three related clans: a magical mage clan, a magical warrior clan, and a clan whose magic was devoted almost entirely to physical enhancement, and thus ridiculously strong.”
<why does=”” it=”” seem=”” as=”” if=”” this=”” one=”” had=”” a=”” choice=”” between=”” blood=”” lines?=””>
”In my first life, I was a part of the clan that had superior bodies. This life I am still not very good with magic, like Joseph, so I chose the clan with magical abilities to be closer to him,” explained Stella.
”How about I give a girl of each, and a boy with the potential for all three blood lines? That way you will have a lot more pure-bloods to mix in with your elves.”
<let's go=”” with=”” that.=”” you=”” can=”” use=”” any=”” of=”” the=”” elves=”” currently=”” surrounding=”” you.=”” please=”” try=”” not=”” to=”” make=”” it=”” obviously=”” your=”” magic,=”” so=”” i=”” can=”” claim=”” credit=”” for=”” it=”” later.=”” i=”” have=”” my=”” hands=”” full=”” dealing=”” with=”” the=”” problem=”” your=”” parasite=”” (the=”” system)=”” has=”” caused=”” in=”” this=”” realm.=””>
”He will be removing himself, when we leave.”
<that will=”” cause=”” a=”” lot=”” of=”” chaos.=””>
”Yes, well, the humans that are level 300 or more now, and capable of fighting dragons, will return to normal human, with whatever skills they have actually developed, instead of depending on the level difference. Please let the elves know as well, so they can be prepared.”
xcellent. that=”” will=”” make=”” defending=”” the=”” forest=”” much=”” easier=”” for=”” my=”” children.=””>
Joseph chose four of the youngest elves within his mana zone, and impregnated them with his magic.
”Stella,” he said, when he was done, and removed himself from the conversation with the world tree, ”I believe we should go see the dwarves next.
”Alright, Joseph.”