150 Chapter 147 A New Fores (2/2)
As long as she was close to him, within his mana territory, his mana control would be more stable for big magics, like what he had just done. The frequency that these things happened in, were far more than she liked, and always seemed to place his life in danger.
The elven king returned, right after Joseph pa.s.sed out, asking questions.
”What did he do?” he asked, too afraid to get close.
”He seems to have fixed your forest,” she said, glancing out the doorway as if it were obvious.
”Yes, but…how?” He couldn't seem to get his head around what he had just witnessed.
”Would you understand if I explained it to you? Are you a great mage, that can comprehend the mage runes as he does?”
”No, I guess I wouldn't. I've just never felt such unbridled anger before…”
She knew he was talking about the rage that had emanated out from Joseph right after he had gotten rid of the rune.
”If you knew what he had gone through, to try and get a peek of that rune, you would have understood his rage,” she said softly, brus.h.i.+ng a wisp of hair to the side.
The king stood there for several moments, starting to ask something, then stopping as he thought of something else. After fifteen minutes, Stella stood up, and picked up Joseph. She wasn't sure if the gate would still be open or not, but if it was, she wanted to get him into his real bed.
”Thank him, when he wakes?” asked the king, as she walked past him, stepping back out of her way. His guards also stepped back, as if afraid of her. She supposed after the last time she had left with Joseph in her arms, that was an understandable fear. She had killed four of them, of course. The gate was still up, but collapsed as soon as she stepped through it.
It took a week for Joseph to wake the first time. He didn't eat. He didn't drink. She could tell that he didn't need to anymore. Something had happened, changing him. He wasn't human anymore.
When his mother came to talk to her about dresses for a wedding, she was shocked to find Joseph in bed. Apparently, when Stella came through the town, carrying him, her aura of hiding had been too strong for anyone to notice them. And since she didn't need to leave to fetch food or water for him, everyone a.s.sumed they were still gone.
”Why are his eyes glowing?” asked his mom, drawing near to him.
Stella watched her touch him gently, and knew that his mom truly did care about him.
”He absorbed too much mana; I think. As soon as he recovers, he will wake up.”
”My poor boy, I wish the world didn't force you to work so hard. I fear you may die young.”
”Not if I can help it.”
”Stella, I am sorry for the way I acted towards you, all those times. I can see that you truly love my boy, and it breaks my heart. He shouldn't be old enough to leave me, but he is. I truly don't understand all of this magic and mana stuff. He starts to talk about things I've never heard of, and it just goes right over my head. Will you do me a favor?”
”Depends what it is,” answered Stella guarded.
”Take care of my little boy. He's the only thing that kept me going, all those times his father left. I tried to travel with him, to stay close to the man I married, but seeing those people being so willing to become slaves, it just broke my heart. I couldn't do it. If anyone could keep my boy alive and well, I know it would be you.”
”That is a promise I don't mind giving. I have already decided to stay by his side until the day one or both of us dies.”
”Then, why are you so against marrying him?” asked his mother, puzzled.
”Because, my mother married a man once, and I was the result. But when I was born, he left and broke her heart, and my life became a nightmare. While I know that my fear is irrational, and Joseph has offered to remove the instability a.s.sociated with it, I would rather deal with it myself. I fear…that after we are married, and I have a child, that he will lose interest in me and leave. The thought of him no longer wanting me, for whatever reason, keeps me from agreeing.”
Nadette nodded. ”I understand now. I knew that you had a horrible childhood, from some of the slaves I had spoken with, but I had no idea it was like that. I am sorry.”
”Do not feel sorry for me, it was that trauma that forced me to cross paths with Joseph. While I would not wish that life on anyone, it gave me him, and that made it worth it.”
She stood there, looking down on Joseph for a minute more, then turned to leave without another word. Stella watched her go, relieved she hadn't asked about wedding dresses again. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard, getting along with her after this.
n.o.body else came to visit them, not even his father. It wasn't until he woke up that she learned why. His aura had become too powerful. Only those with absolutely no magic could stand to come near the room, which raised a lot of eyebrows when people found out his mother had come to visit. How could a woman with absolutely no magic, have him for a son? It must have come from his father.